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501st SpecOps[TX]
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SANDMANxGB last won the day on June 29 2017

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    Southern California Garrison

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  1. Hey there guys! Thought I'd drop by and share my progress on my Mudtrooper. Here's a couple quick renders! Still have to make the hose mounts on the back armor box, new respirator buckles and smaller details along with the shin armor. But here's where I'm at right now. Mudtrooper5 by Oliver Clinch, on Flickr Mudtrooper4 by Oliver Clinch, on Flickr Mudtrooper3 by Oliver Clinch, on Flickr Mudtrooper2 by Oliver Clinch, on Flickr Mudtrooper1 by Oliver Clinch, on Flickr boi3 by Oliver Clinch, on Flickr boi2 by Oliver Clinch, on Flickr Boi by Oliver Clinch, on Flickr
  2. AAAAAND I'm approved! TX-30021 reporting for duty! 19417341_10203405557817411_8015579404150134401_o by Oliver Clinch, on Flickr 19390669_10203405557897413_7060069674693033220_o by Oliver Clinch, on Flickr
  3. Sure do! All armor has been printed and about half of the armor is painted. My E-11D is awaiting paint as well. The last pieces of the puzzle are my plates for the chest rig, SE-14R and grenades which should all be done printing by today or tomorrow morning. I've completed my helmet minus the lenses that I'll be installing this week and I've found an awesome way to install lights which i'll be sharing soon. If all goes well my DT Specialist will be done by this weekend. I've also received my ribbed shirt and will be sewing my pants and added pieces to the ribbed top. I'll provide more photos in the coming days. Here's some photos! IMG_20170516_084530 IMG_20170516_084501 IMG_20170516_084416 IMG_20170515_184325 IMG_20170506_091634
  4. Last one I promise haha The DT helmets have a slot that runs along the lens under the brow, similar to the Shoretroopers. Don't know if that should be added or not, just something I've noticed in the celebration photos and on the Anovos buckets. Here's a couple photos:
  5. I'd like to chime in for the E-11D portion, the HK stock is upside down so the pictures may need to be taken again. Also, for the thermal detonators should we include red LED's in the openings of them (optional) for the level 2 or would that be too extreme? So far the CRL is looking great! You guys are awesome
  6. My blasters are now complete! Printing has begun and will be on going. I'll be updating you all on the progress
  7. No worries Woodo007! I bought Rit Dye (standard) everything dyed black aside from the mag pouches themselves and straps. I'll be trying Rit synthetic and will get back to you on what it looks like finished.
  8. First let me say that Rogue One was the best Star Wars movie I've seen in a LOOOONG time. Best thing to happen to the franchise. Moving on! I've finalized my armor and helmet. I've literally went through 70 versions to fine tune this to get it close to perfect, however, I'll still fix some things by hand. The helmet dome has been modified for the last time, I added a slot under the dome by the eyes (similar to the Shoretrooper slot). It's present on screen and on the Anovos bucket. The armor has been appropriately scaled to the right size and I also remade the forearms. Lastly, I added a battery compartment inside of the spectra sensor for the LED. I also received my GRYFFON CR4 chest-rig that I'll be dying black. (black isn't available anywhere except for a Canadian seller that said it's sold out, and all the available ones of any color are discontinued) The GRYFFON CR4 seems to be closer to the screen used version in my opinion and requires less modification than the Condor, but both are the best options. Printing to begin tonight!
  9. Hey guys! Thought I'd drop something that I found (and purchased) I've done a bunch of searching in regards to the chest rig, I know some have said the screen used was the Condor Barrage but I came across the Gryffon Defense CR4, it's discontinued and cannot be found in black on any website (only OD and Tan). The only website that had black was in Canada and they told me over the phone they sold out and it's now done. However, there are some other colors left over on the interwebs as stated before. A couple comparison photos have been added, this chest rig seems to be the one that needs less modification than the Condor and matches it a bit better. And did I mention cheaper? Less than half the price of Condor. I'll be dying mine black.
  10. Hello guys! Another update for ya! I did some more fine-tuning on my bucket. I'm super happy overall now. I modified the snout vents and widened the hole for the LED on the Spectra Sensor to fit a 5MM LED. Here's a couple renders!
  11. Definitely should brother! I'll upload photos of everything so let me know if you do decide to jump on board. And as for the sidearm I lowered it and did a couple more modifications to
  12. Another update! My larger 3D printer is almost done being built, I also ordered another larger one that's practically pre-assembled so I don't waste any more time printing things out. I'll be doing a run of everything. Keep in mind this is made for people around 6'3~ and higher as I modeled this to 6'6" (my height). I'm considering printing out a smaller scaled version as well. Everything will be casted in Fiberglass and resin. No that's out of the way, I fixed some small details on the bucket. Re-did the entire dome, completely finished the spectra sensor, fixed the nose vents and made the front lights of the helmet smaller as they were too thick. And lastly I began working on the SE-14r. It's still a WIP but I think it's coming along great
  13. Thanks, mhlayne! Printing will begin tomorrow. Once that's done I'll be finishing the helmet then making a mold. I'll keep you guys updated here!
  14. Oh I know the pain haha I found one large size for sale on the RPF but it sold instantly. The Talib is the best since they have our size. Also, they have a 10 percent off if you sign up for their emails and order straight from Dr. Marten!
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