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501st Member[501st]
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CrookKnight last won the day on May 1 2022

CrookKnight had the most liked content!


About CrookKnight

501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Carolina Garrison

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  • Location
    Charleston, SC

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. I am building 3 Deathtroopers for people and cannot find the holster anywhere. Does anyone know where I can purchase one. Thank you in advance.
  2. Thank you. I put the pics in Imgur, so I will re-link all of them.
  3. Does this link work? Let me know and I will redo all of the other pictures.
  4. Here is my final approval picture. I was officially approve on 5/4/2022. Perfect day to be approved. Also, I will have to post new links to most of my individual pictures...not sure what happened. But I am not about to pay monthly for Photobucket, so I am linking to a facebook album for now.
  5. Thank you. I will take a look. I had someone do the sewing for me.
  6. Unfortunately I live in Charleston SC. However, if you post as you go with the questions you have, I am sure we can all help you. Have you started at all? If not, I would recommend starting with some of the easier pieces like the forearms, biceps or kneesā€¦so you can kind of warm up to building. Also, what tools are you using? This is important and can make your life much easier, especially if you have a table belt sander.
  7. Next I will be submitting pictures fully dressed in the armor / soft goods.
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