I've spoken with a lot of you through FB and on some of the FB groups, but I figured it was actually time to start a build thread. Between grad school and work, getting time to post progress has been a struggle. I've obtained the hard parts and am pushing to make the premier minus the blaster and CRL approved undersuit (will be wearing the TK for it). I'm 6'5 and fit the build of the DT, so I'm excited to have something that appears as it does in the movie.
Armor: 850 Armor Works
Helmet: KB Props
Boots: Dr. Marten Talib
Gloves: As of right now, Nomex
Blaster: will be 3D printed via a purchased model, just won't have the time to complete before the premier.
Up to this point, I've painted the helmet and am working on the electronics. All of the armor has been sanded and prepped for assembly. 3D printed pieces have been painted. Forearms are done, one thigh is done, fronts of shins are done. Back and chest are connected. Needless to say, I have a long way to go and a short time to get there, but I'll make it.
I'll post some progress pictures and what everything looks like in the next day or two.