Hey all-
I'm working on my Shadow Scout, and it came with a completed Altman helmet (thank god, because after I did my TK bucket I swore I'd never build another bucket again). My question relates to the interior limning/padding-
Apparently, I have a small head. I added two layers of the military helmet padding (like this), which worked for my TK (along with electronics for weight for the anti-bobble head effect) and it's kinda snug, but it doesn't always allow the helmet to turn with my head (my head will sometimes slide around and turn inside without the helmet moving). I also can't flip the lid without it sliding forward and wanting to fall completely off my head. Adding the balaclava only made it more slick, exacerbating the problem.
I'm really not a fan of the hard hat helmet liners, as I find them uncomfortable and hot (and they always leave impressions on my forehead), but if that's what might work best I'm willing to give it a try.
What do you all use for helmet liners/padding? Any suggestions for an apparently small head?
I can post pictures later when I get home if deference is needed.
Any and all help is much appreciated! Thank you in advance.