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  1. Hello all - I'm starting to gather items for my TX build. I came across a really nice deal/steal on an ANOVOS Shadow Stormtrooper Helmet. It was fully assembled less some ear trimming. In the coming weeks/months I'm pulling the trigger on the WTF armor. So...my question is regarding the CRL. It states that the frown must have 6-8 teeth. The ANOVOS seems to have 9. Is this going to be a deal breaker for approval? It's actually a nice looking bucket, and for this price I really couldn't resist. Hopefully this won't have to be a shelf warmer and can actually be used for my 501st trooping when/if I'm accepted. Thanks and sorry for such a noob question!
  2. Nice, thanks for the info! Were you able to get those from ANOVOS? I know their customer service can be a bit dodgy sometimes. Thanks again!
  3. Hello all - I've found someone who is willing to sell me their Shadow Trooper lid from ANOVOS for $175. I had already planned on purchasing a WTF TX kit around the first of the year for my 501st consideration. Are there any issues with the ANOVOS helmet as far as 501st approval? Screws, paint, neck ring, etc.? Does it require any alteration? I'm still buying the WTF kit but I wouldn't mind having an extra lid for a reasonable price...As long as it's able to be used as an "alternate" and is 501st good-to-go! Thanks in advance
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