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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by cmdunner

  1. Great! I bought 2 Shadow Scout Troopers & assembled 1, w/ the intention of assembling the other and posting it for sale around Halloween, but I bought a partially completed Jango Fett and have been working to finish that before a May troop in Erie (my hometown). My paypal address is cmdunner@comcast.net (gift option please) & be sure to include your complete addy (free ship w/ de...

  2. Well, finally got 'er completed! I bought boots quite a while back and waited on them for a bit, but put the Shadow Scout on hold while a couple housing projects needed tended to. This past Tuesday night I unwrapped everything and started working on it, completing it Sunday and sent the pics in for approval. I'm very pleased how it turned out! My link
  3. Thanks guys! My wife thinks I'm a bit obsessed (can't argue there)!. I keep suggesting that she join up but she won't (sigh). She's got the body of Slave Leia with the enthusiasm of a gonk droid!
  4. Hello all! I'm a relatively new 501st member with Garrison Carida & hooked on armor! I have ESB TK armor approved, as well as TB, but am working on ESB Vader (nearly complete), ESB Fett (this will be quite a long process) and just ordered the Shadow Scout armor. You guys sporting the Spec Ops armor are awesome! For those who have the ABS armor pulled in black, what paint do you find to be a perfect (if it exists) match for painting the helmet?
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