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501st SpecOps[TX]
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About Atraxas

501st Info

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Southern Cross Garrison

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  • Location
    Sydney Australia

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  1. Hails to all that took on one of the more technical and challenging builds in modern SW... Its amazing seeing how many there are now and the quality!! Big thanks to the pioneers, and crl team... i don't usually do mushy posts, but hell yeah \m/ Rock on DT's i love how its grown!!!
  2. Only part id not be happy with is boots.. ive had this stance from day one... Jereds are not easy to get, and i dont feel the need to buy another pair of boots (it really is the least important part of the kit) Talibs are same in principle... so replicas or talibs... would make more sense... imo.
  3. Looking great! once your done it will all feel worth it!!
  4. Is a few Approved DT's that are "vertically challenged?" Its not an issue if its the kit YOU want to rock!
  5. Excellent stuff Look forward to seeing your build! Good Luck and enjoy the ride!
  6. Your shiny bucket pic with clouds reminds me of one of mine, and the JOY i felt.. almost there... <3 You got this!!
  7. Love my Jim kit, (also have a fo tk by him) but his DT is and always will be my favourite kit... I'm in Australia so sourcing bits and pieces is probably better for locals (and good suggestions have been made).. but don't be scared to have a go yourself
  8. The amount of work your putting in is amazing... I feel lucky!! I love my Jim kit, but I admire the work of Tom and all that have made use of the 3d prints... what a time time to be alive... (3d prints still scare me lol - not for any other reason apart from my wife would divorce me if I started) Looking top stuff, and Tom, you sir are a legend!
  9. Keep updating here too man I love the FB updates but this is your home! <3 Really loving your work, I'm a bit more attached to DeathTroopers than maybe I should be lol... so always excited when people joining the ranks!
  10. Looks amazing.. I have a TK Commander and the edging your talking about id assume is same.. its nothing fancy, available in most hardware stores.
  11. Aussies don't get much better .. and our laws regarding items can be tough too... look forward to seeing your build, don't give up
  12. Post up some pics man! Sounds like your smashing it! More DT's the better!!
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