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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Catevari

  1. Was actually just looking at these files after picking up the FOTK ones by Akira also, @wilsoncai. Been contemplating and trying to compare them to the CRL files. Looks like its fairly close. Going to send you a PM with a question via the FOTK but I look forward to snagging the Sith Trooper soon
  2. So I've a Branfuhr studio's e-11d. Absolutely love it, but am forced to do some replacements. The front folding stock warped and is ruined, so I'm printing a new one from Tom's files I purchased. Now, I'm also upgrading the barrel as I want natural heat bluing. I've just bought steel 1 7/8" tube, 16ga. I was wondering if anyone has a barrel pattern for tracing out the details before I start cutting. Could've swore I saw one before but cannot find it now. If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. What I remember was a flattened out print with the details you wrap around something, like PVC, and cut the details.
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