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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by crazyjediman24

  1. Armor looks great, congratulations! Sent from my Imperial communicator.
  2. Many thanks! Easy enough to snip, I'll get to them when I get home.
  3. Alright, so we can all acknowledge that I did a terrible job of keeping this thread updated, but I've just been approved! TX-19890 reporting for duty.
  4. Hey Ben, if you're looking for someone else to build those armors, you should probably get in touch with your local garrison. They will know if there are any builders in your area willing to build armor for you. Bearing in mind that you'll still have to order the armor and any accessories yourself. I will also put in a plug for taking the extra time to build it yourself, given you'll know every piece, it will truly be yours, sense of accomplishment, etc. But I know that's sometimes genuinely not possible.
  5. OK, magnets (50) arrived today, and I might honestly have made a mistake ordering the N52 strength. They are immensely hard to break apart! I guess they'll be really good when it comes time to glue things, but they nearly took a finger when they zipped back together.
  6. Let this be my enduring work in progress thread! The update, as of today, is that I ordered armor from our good friend Walter a couple of weeks ago, and I've ordered a bunch of tools since. Tools: Acquired, with the exception of E-6000, Soft Materials: need nylon strapping, some of the Velcro Parts: need snaps, screws, rivets, TD clips and screws, decals Armor: pending (ordered 5/13) Undersuit: Need Blaster: Have (Praetorian) Neckseal: Need Gloves: Need Holster: Need Boots: Need
  7. Congratulations! Question for you, what happened to the pauldron? I hope to start work on one of Walt's kits soon. Shadowy deliciousness, here I come!
  8. Oooh. That sounds really, really awesome. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  9. I ordered my Shadow trooper not two days ago. So I'm out on this run, sadly. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  10. Hi there, Newbie myself, but I believe only the weapons listed in the CRL are allowed. In that case, E-11, DLT-19, and hold-out blaster are all good to go!
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