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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Smitty1

  1. The 850 armor is just like doing a TK being that is abs plastic. I prefer this over 3d and fiberglass
  2. I have a 850 kit approved if you need any help and questions. Friend me on face book under Greg Smith and I will link you to my Deathtrooper build page.
  3. Welcome Dustin you have pretty much the same set up as I do for your deathtrooper so if you have any questions on the armor for approval let me know . I just got mine approved with 850 armor kit and I might be the only one so far so there is some mods you will have to do to get it approved so hit me up.😄 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Received my approval today Tx67944 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Just trying to find out where to submit photos and application for approval Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I have been trying to find out where to submit my application and approval photos for my deathtrooper specialist. Can anyone help me out and point me in the right direction. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I am already a 501stlegion member but need some help with where to find the application so that I can submit my Deathtrooper specialist armor. Any help would be greatly appreciated 😄
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