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Everything posted by ShadowTrooperJF

  1. Question: would any of you guys recommend buying a whole Shadowtrooper kit? or should I buy piece by piece? If you suggest a whole kit, where should I go to get it? I haven't heard much about Anovos, or Walt's Trooper Factory. All I know about Anovos is there kit is $700. I just want to know if what I'm getting is used before I commit to it. Any info would definitely help. Thanks!
  2. Not yet! Should I just start buying any piece? or should I start buying specific pieces first?
  3. I am not an official member of 501st yet, cause I have yet to finish, or even start my costume. I thought I'd seek the advice of experts before I get started. I'll be putting together a Shadow Trooper costume. What's the best way to start? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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