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Triple Zero

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Everything posted by Triple Zero

  1. thanks mate, look forward to seeing it. cheers Andrew
  2. Thanks Steve, looking forward to seeing it. Do you think they will go with a level system like we have with the TK's ?
  3. Hi all, Greetings from Australia, I'm so happy that this CRL is taking shape. I would just like to put my 2 cents worth in about the shoulder rings. Mine are the alloy bearing shoulder rings and they stop the ring from popping out or dropping down when the arm is moved. This issue can be seen in many photos but this is more an issue of levels of building for a costume. Maybe the strapping system for the shoulder ring could be level 1 and something like the bearing system could be level 2 ?. I know that the bearing system is costly but I like knowing that there is no movement once its put together .i.e. it will not float around the shoulder. Have we looked at levels for this CRL ???. Another one that comes to mind is the belly mat. Yes the movie version is the rubber mat but they are hot and heavy. For us in Australia in the middle of summer when its 45 degrees C the rubber mat would kill us. I know some 3po builders use a ribbed cloth mat with the wires and the look is still pretty good. Again it could come down to a level thing. Good to see Christian back on deck with his input. Lets get this thing going as Triple 0 is showing up more and more now days. cheers from down under, Andrew
  4. Hi guys, I trying to up load pics to the forum with photo bucket and copying the URL link for photo B and pasting it into the URL box on this page but its not playing and I have resized the pics right down so they are small. Any help would be great.
  5. Once I work out how to get the photos up on this page I will post some pics of my Triple Zero costume that was finished just in time for R1.
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