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501st SpecOps[TX]
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About Gaugerage

501st Info

  • Name
    Stephen Williams
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Redback Garrison

Profile Information

  • Location
    Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia.
  • Interests
    A scout who wants to collect them all. I'm known as the Selfie scout. Taking photos whenever I can. Scouts are the costume of choice. Here to add 3 more to the colletion.

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  1. Approved !!! Thank you to everyone for their support and advice. Here's to many troops in the swamplands Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Sticker and all assembled. Approval photos will be sent tonight Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. One more step closer to number 7 !!! All in need now is helmet sticker. Some one please help hahah Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Got my boots and my vinyl. Time for assembly this Saturday!! On step closer â¤ï¸ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Day 3 of the build. Assembly day. Most parts are ready. Today we assembled the helmet, back with the tank and the TD. Time to dye the strappings. Fingers crossed 🤞 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Alright day 2 of painting and more painting. Only thing that's left to be painted is the helmet back as it's drying from the filling of the lines. Now is to make the boots, buy the stickers for helmet, assembly of parts with strapping. Funds to be set aside for cummerbund and flight suit. Than I should be ready to put it all together. Exciting times. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. So a small update for 2018. Got some small parts sprayed and painted. Won't be doing any weathering until after approval. Will be painting the chest and back and some of the bigger parts in the next few days. Things still needed to be made -boots -cummerbund Need to order in the helmet stickers. * open to suggestions on maker * Enjoy the pictures. *Disclaimer* the guy spraying is not me. That's wade, a clone trooper. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Helmet taken apart, now need to bog and sand the seams. Will do the same for the tank too. Need a new snout, suggestions? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Today I decided to get a can of Rust-oleum and give it a coat. I must say that I'm in love with the green. It looks really good and dries fast too. I've yet to make the decision on if I'll be doing the spraying or to a car body place. As for the webbings and leather Boot cover, I'll be ordering them soon. Need some advice on the sticker for the helmet and visor. Cheers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Hey Green Guys and Gals. It is I, The Selfie Scout of the Redback Garrison. I've been a Regular Scout for just over a year and after seeing 2 Swampy scouts at Dream World 2016. It made me want to be the Ash of the scout wolrd, I gotta get them all. A little back story on my kit. I got it from KS (never again) took me a good time to get it assemble and what not. But I'm looking to work to get to Lancer level with an new kit in the near future. The amazing kit I currently have will be converted to the Swamp Scout. Any help will be much appreciated. Will post pictures of the progress as it unfolds. Cheers and Smile.
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