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Everything posted by fibby

  1. Gloves Can't say enough about the quality of Endor Finders gloves. I have a pair of Kylos from them as well and both share the same great attention to detail.
  2. Armor Here's a potato picture of my unpacked Plastic Arms Dealer Tall Armor Kit. Unfortunately due to life it is still in this state. I somehow managed to give my dentist the 501st bug variant which has spurred me back into action.
  3. They were nearly impossible to find then. I was afraid the listing was going to be bad. Amazon 3rd party sellers don't often instill much confidence. If they knew what they had they wouldn't have been $59.99.
  4. It's been a long time but I'm back on the build train. Just ordered a Blaster Factory Fieldmarshal DLT-19
  5. They're available in the current wave. http://www.imperialboots.com/product/killer-boots/
  6. My understanding was that Denis started with Tom's files and incorporated changes based on analysis of statues and stunt costumes. Below is a reply Denis of ArmoryShop made to a post in the Death Troopers (build Group) Facebook page. "Guys, I'm lucky enough to work with Disney Msk, and they allowed me to take some pics and other things with DT statues and stunt-costumes. I know - how the real DT armor looks. This knowlege I have add into Tom's files and that's my armor kit."
  7. Glad I could help. Couple of tips. Use the URL for the direct image by placing "i." at the beginning of the URL like this http://i.imgur.com/R5aYSDo.jpg This gives you just the image and none of the other crap from the page. You can put the image into the body of your post by using the Image button when you post. It's the one that looks like a little picture. Click the button then paste your image URL into the box. If you want to add more pictures just click and paste till you have all the ones you want to post. If you're feeling sporting you can even resize the picture via the imgur interface.
  8. I use imgur.com for all of my forum pictures. No frills interface and gets the job done. It was originally created as an image host for Reddit.
  9. Specialist Ammo Magazines Got these H&K G3 magazines surplus from Cheaper Than Dirt. I'll be pulling out the springs and bonding the follower to the magazine to make them inoperable.
  10. Boots These are even more comfortable than my 26 year old 10 Eyelets. Most comfortable pair of Doc's I've ever owned. Even at size 14 which is one size larger than I normally wear they fit snug with no wiggle. Most likely gonna add a 1-2 inch lift seeing as even at 6ft 4in our resident Krennic is still taller than me.
  11. Helmet Solid like you could wear it into battle. Definitely gonna need fans as it has nowhere near as much airflow as my Kylo.
  12. Hello all. Star Garrison North Texas Squad recruit here. Since I'm finishing up my Kylo build I decided it was time to start a Non-Face character. At 6ft 4in the Death Trooper is a perfect fit. For my TBDs I'm listing my current top choices for sourcing. Acquired Armor - Fiberglass Death Trooper Tall Kit - Plastic Arms Dealer Helmet - Anovos - $614.99 - Entertainment Earth - That's the total price. 90 Day Returns, No Tax, No Shipping, and No $12 Handling Fee. Ended up being over $100 less than ordering direct from Anovos. Boots - Dr. Martens Jered - $59.99 - Lucky score from Amazon Gloves - Endor Finders H&K G3 20 Round Magazines - $4.97 each - Cheaper Than Dirt Ordered DLT-19 - Fieldmarshal replica “Galaxy NEW ISSUE VERSION ” - Blaster Factory TBD Undersuit - Top pick - Sheev's Emporium E-11D Accessories
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