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Everything posted by superlaser5

  1. I heard from Walt's that they would be coming out with the Death Trooper suit "soon" but with no specific date. I know you can contact jimmiroquai for info on his suits for the death trooper he is currently looking to sell. Here is the link to his thread: http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/4233-jimmiroquai-death-trooper-helmet-and-armor-wip/
  2. Thanks for asking. I'm still thinking about which supplier to go with first. However, I would recommend potentially going with Walt's Trooper Factory who you can find on facebook by requesting to be in the group. I was also looking to wait for Walt to come out with the Death Trooper build from Rogue One as this build is designed for a tall frame. http://forum.501stsp...__fromsearch__1
  3. Or the E-11D Blaster? https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/490972524/deathtrooper-rifle-e-11d-updated-model?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=death%20trooper&ref=sr_gallery_30
  4. What's up guys. Can anyone recommend a good website for purchasing additional equipment for the Death Trooper? I found this and was wondering if it would be a good place to start for the SE-14R Blaster? https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/475660361/se-14r-blaster-deathtrooper-sidearm?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=death%20trooper%20blaster&ref=sr_gallery_2 Thanks.
  5. This looks great so far! I'm 6'4" so i'm guessing I would fit into this awesome armor pretty well. Keep up the good work!
  6. Thank you for letting me join special forces guys. I just need to get the right tools and an environment for modifying the armor. Looked at some informational videos already. Is there one tutorial/video that would be best?
  7. That is good to hear. I already have the black helmet so I'm looking to complete it in the best way possible. I will be looking into these!
  8. Should have clarified, sorry about that. I was looking for the Storm trooper or Shadow Trooper armor. The all black and dark armor and something like this. Thank you!
  9. Hello, Would anyone be able to suggest a good armor maker for a taller person about 6'4" in height? Any answer would be appreciated. Thank you!
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