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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by JohnnyCab

  1. Just got the word from my GML that I'm approved! Super excited to join the ranks!
  2. Well, the gloves arrived, and they were more of a kelly green. I needed a quick fix, so I could sport them for a test-troop at a local con, so I just spray painted them. They actually turned out pretty good! It helped that they have a green base. I will be submitting for approval, and here are some pics of the full costume and some action shots.
  3. I haven't updated in a while. I was waiting for all the CRL changes. I was able to find a possible set of gloves on ebay, and here's the link for anyone interested: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F323280502469 I'm not sure exactly how that green will look in-person, but for $19, I'll take the chance. I'll post pics when I get them.
  4. Made a little more progress tonight. I removed the loop patch areas on the front of my coveralls. That makes it look a lot better. I also got my boots today. They are "good enough" but I would like to get some authentic jack boots once I can afford a good pair. I have attached a picture of the mandarin collar, since I know my beard obscures the view. Overall, I feel like I'm in a good spot, and I'll be ready to submit once I get my shoulder patches, helmet, and armor in! For the Empire!
  5. The picture of the belt in the CRL has a black buckle. That may be something to be addressed in the future iterations of the CRL.
  6. I was actually going to ask if the patch areas were part of the costume, or because yours were closer to the suit color you just left them. I'll remove them as long as I know it will still be approvable.
  7. Unbelievably, I had a huge jumpstart on this costume. During my many years in the US Navy, I was able to tactically acquire many random uniform components and equipment. The items that were already in my inventory are as follows: (Navy acquired) Coveralls Y-harness to cannibalize for the buckles Goggles OD green pistol belt Black leather gloves (From Staff Officer costume) Black flared leather gloves I purchased a pre-made helmet and armor from Walt's Trooper Factory, so that should be here soon. I went to my local workshop, and used my buddy Rusty's knowledge of sewing to put the H-harness together using 2" polyester strapping and the aforementioned buckles from the Y-harness. I was able to score an olive hat from another friend, J. P. Looking forward to getting everything together and submitting for the 3 olive drab variants of the costume!
  8. I was waiting until I received my big brown box to start a build thread, and the day has finally arrived! I ordered a set of 3D printed armor from Denis at ArmoryShop, and it got here today. I haven't been able to open the box fully, because I'm still at work right now. I plan on taking a full inventory and posting a bunch of pics later. As far as the other pieces, I have a set of Dr. Martens Talibs, because I wasn't able to score the Jereds yet. The gloves are White Eagle work gloves that I will be dying black and adding the appropriate stitching on the palm. I haven't ordered an undersuit yet, but I'll be getting either Jimmiroquai's or Denis' depending on how his prototype turns out. I was able to 3D print the NSM monitor for the helmet, and I plan on 3D printing my E-11D and SE-14. More to come, soon!
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