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  1. The difference between the DLT-19 and the DLT-21 is the scope i dont know how can that be a problem also the new rule about being optional shows that even using other blasters wouldnt cause harm but I can be wrong
  2. I have almost everything done on my Armor Im just missing some parts like the cummerbund. Im here to ask is there a fixed list of weapons that the shadows scouts can use? I want the Hold Out Scout Blaster of course but I wanted a sniper since Im in the Spec Ops Detachment. I searched for Star Wars Sniper Blasters but I cant be sure wich ones are approved for the use. Asking if you can give me a list of the best ones and you guys know the best props with Best Price with preference in Europe. My choosen one at the moment is a modified DLT-21 Sniper: http://corsairs-kids...ault/dlt-21.jpg Cant figure out the model of this one: http://jimcarchidi.zenfolio.com/img/s/v-3/p61636988-3.jpg Also looking for Silver Lenses to swap on my helmet searched on the Aprooved vendors but the product is no longer available. Also looking for stores with preference in Europe. I went on Amazon and Ebay but i dont know if the shape / color is aproved. Thanks Much
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