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501st SpecOps[TX]
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01Hawk last won the day on June 18 2017

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About 01Hawk

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    Garrison Carida

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  1. i Just use under armor shirt and pants. I have ones for cold weather as well. I bought a “ nice” stormtrooper undersuit with the shiny stuff on it and the shiny part peeled off before I even wore it with a complete kit. Total waste of money. my gaskets are from geekypink on FB. She is a very nice person and did a great job. I want to see if she will make me a new set using a different material I want to try. my armor is KB. The 850 cod is just wrong. I use an 850 gun- not bad, weighs a ton ( think 13lbs) my tank is MLC- it is undersized from the screen used tank and very delicate. If you are 5’9” and below it should be fine.
  2. For discussions sake in regards to accuracy and function
  3. Are there actual pics of the costume to support the accuracy of the 3D renders you are using? The pic i posted is an actual suit and the tank brackets 100% cut into slots on the lower tank dome. The part I was trying to figure out on the gun hose side is the twin clamp that holds the secondary hose. Thanks!
  4. Where do the hoses that run down from the gauge connect to? How is everyone making the bracket the the toilet paper holder looking thing? It cuts into the lower tanks and that really makes no sense. And does anyone have a found part for the clamps on the right side tank that holds the second hose going to the gun. Thanks!
  5. Thanks! It was actually and adult lady who rammed me and didn’t even have the courtesy to stop and see if everything was ok. The handles on the tanks are my biggest worry. Right now I have them set up that they are the weakest link and will come off if it hard enough. If i mount them tight then the thanks them selves become the weak point
  6. I was the one at Chicago. It was the first time I wore it and finished it up in the hotel Friday night. I wore it Saturthalf a day and all day Sunday. It held up well with no major failures . To get it ready for approval I need to : attach the clear hoses in the back , figure out what to attach them to at the bottom, make the lower tank frame to toilet paper holder thing bracket, fix the strap closure location on the black cylinder things on the thigh ( had to have a quick sew job done to resolve an issue at the con), put nozzles in the gun tip ( cast ones looked like crap so I’m making new ones), the round part on the side of the gun, the trigger guard on the gun ( was flimsy and broke off ) attach the black handles on the pack in a fashion that won’t destroy the tanks if hit (a lady rammed me as she shoved by me at the con) and maybe trim the side chest armor flaps a bit.
  7. I’m behind on this a bit but will be updating my progress shortly . Here’s where I’m at with it..
  8. I am working on my 850 Armor one now ... it is pretty heavy and was thinking of ways to lighten it up. The costume on display at Disney clearly shows the barrel pieces as solid ones with fake vent holes that don't go all the way thru. There is a pic of the flame trooper actually shooting a flame ( photo bucket isn't working for me to link it right now) that gives the appearance that the tubes are hollow ( like a true vented gun barrel). Thoughts on this for accuracy?
  9. This came today. Normally I don't pay attention to how long it takes me to build something but I think I am going to log the hours I put into the gun. I'm also starting to trim the armor but am not quite sure how much to take off. Will go thru other builds to see what they did.
  10. Helmet is in primer .. little bit of progress lol
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