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Alaric Ren

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501st Info

  • Name
    Alaric Hahn
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Empire City Garrison

Alaric Ren's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. This is from ArmoryShop in Moscow. It was the only option to me at the time since all the other kits were tailored to a max height of maybe 6' 4". SInce I'm about 6' 9" and very slender, I needed a custom 3-D print. The RAW kit was a lot of work, and it's not perfect, but I think it turned out terrific. I can't wait to really get some trooping and and weather it a bit. I feel like the DT looks best with some wear and tear.
  2. Thank you to everyone here who posted about your builds. You were all inspiring and helpful in this process. Now this tall and lanky DT can get to trooping!
  3. Looks amazing! I'm stealing all your ideas. Mostly done with painting so I'm studying how it all fits together. Great work.
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