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It has been quite a long time since my last post. To briefly update my... well, should I call it ongoing build, even though, it is already finished (at least officially)? Since COVID has caused mayhem around the globe, I haven't been able to either work or troop in my Death Trooper which is why it has certainly gathered some dust. The only new thing is the work on the updated CRL but that is pretty much all when it comes to the last three years. With my PhD program almost finished and a new chapter of our live starting, I figured to finally get back to it and go for the Specialist version - both in terms of accuracy as well as visuals. In order for getting my costume to Level 2, I have the following things to tackle: To-Do list for Level 2: Adjusting the concealed overlap joint on the neckseal: For this I will need some help - preferably my mom, since she created my entire undersuit. And yes, she is a seamstress which comes in really handy when working on costumes, hehe. I can't say for sure when we can get this done, but I hope in the course of May. I think this is pretty much it when it comes to the things that need adjustment before applying for Level 2. My DT hasn't much changed since I last posted pictures here, so if you are interested and would like to help out a fellow Death Trooper, you may certainly take a look at the images above or the CRL and point out any inaccuracies you can find. The Death Trooper has definitely become part of my identity with many wonderful things that have happened in regard to it, so I do feel the obligation to make the best out of it. To-Do list for Specialist version: Have the chest rig plates printed (and painted). Any recommendations are more than welcome, however, they have to be 3D printed to match the rest of my armor. Open up the Condor chest rig and re-sew it correctly. I have seen quite a detailed post on fb about this a few years ago, so I will dig that up again and modify the rig accordingly. Finish the C-25s: I had them printed a few years ago and have already finished one. Apart from that, I will also need to install the electronics. Order the little buckles that go on the straps right above the rig itself. Thinking about ordering them from BlasterFactory. Apart from the above mentioned tasks I would also like to up the accuracy of the undersuit itself. I still haven't found a solution for merging together the suit with some kind of rubber matt for the sides and will definitely look into recent posts and findings in that regard. Very much looking forward to again start working on this wonderful character and hope that you can join me in that journey by reading my posts and/or looking at the pictures here. Edit: I just scouted through the specialist threads. To any admins/mods/detachment GMLs (sorry if I got any of the official positions wrong): Should I go for Specialist? I really want to be sure and do it right the first time. TX-24156 | Dark Phoenix
Thank you for your compliments on my armor! My height is somewhere between 6‘2“ and 6‘3“ (~ 190cm) and I weigh 180lbs (~ 80 - 81kg). Hope this helps.
That looks amazing so far, Greg! Also, I really dig the paintjob as it isn't too shiny and neither too matt. Very similar to what can be seen on the reference photos of SWC London 2016. If I may point out one thing: You may want to switch the shoulder bells since the front sides that can be seen on your picture are actually supposed to be at the back. The very same may apply to the biceps parts as I can't see any "racing lines" on them. Please take this as constructive feedback and not as criticism per se. As mentioned above, your armor looks gorgeous.
So, we finally had time to take some pictures of my Death Trooper (it takes about 20-30 minutes to dress up). A few things that caught my eye: 1. Love handles (I don't have them), but my undercut puffs at the sides. I'll find a solution for that as soon as possible (maybe installing a corset like setup beneath it), however, the entire COVID-19 situation makes it hard at the moment to run around and buy the things necessary. Furthermore, my mom is not able to help me out in the near future, since I do not want to pose a risk for my parents' or grandparents' generation. That'll have to wait for a bit. 2. We can't close my shins. Two possible reasons here: (1) The shoes have to much stuffing, which spreads the right shin apart at the bottom. (2) I have been working out lately and even though it's not visible while wearing the armor, I have gained some muscle/mass. However, I can wear the shins without any problems without the shoes, so maybe I'll remove some of their stuffing... We will take more and also more detailed pictures when I have fixed the already existing problems as I don't see my costume fit for anything more at the moment. Take care, fellow troopers! PS: Sorry for the bad image quality, but I don't want to put humongous pictures into this thread.
Thank you very much for your request, @Chaos. I feel honored! I'll be able to take well lit pictures within the next few days, but for now I am only able to upload the pictures attached to this comment (poncho isn't equipped at the moment). Guess there's even more that I have to fix: 1. The belt canvas pouches are sagging a bit. I‘ll have some new made as the fabric isn‘t accurate either. (request sent) 2. I‘ll repaint the gun metal parts on the torso. That color is from the time when I didn‘t have an ANOVOS helmet, so I‘ll match the colors to the helmet‘s. (will take the ANOVOS bucket to a paint shop so they can mix exactly that color) 3. New E-11D on its way. (ordered) 4. The end caps of the tube on the lower back have to be swapped. Some new pictures - and as I said earlier: Any feedback is welcome! TROS premiere TROS premiere A Death Trooper in the wild enjoying the first sunbeams of the day.
Mine is already showing wear and tear, as well. Particularly the inner areas of the thighs are losing most of their paint, because they are grinding quite heavily at each other while walking. The thinner parts of the back piece also have a crack or two already ... You are more than welcome! I am glad that people consider this method appropriate for their armor, since actually weathering a perfect paint job always hurts. ?
To everyone here: I just started to rework some parts of my DT, but since Level 2 requirements will be released in the near future, why not go straight for making everything as accurate as possible? A few things were already pointed out to me (leather pouch has to move to the front a bit), but others weren‘t. Whatever It is that you see on my DT that isn‘t accurate, please let me know! It‘ll probably hurt, but there‘s no other way to improve it. (Only exception: The undersuit. No criticism here as it is very dear to me. Please limit the feedback to the armor. ) Things I have to improve that already catched my eye: 1. The belt canvas pouches are sagging a bit. I‘ll have some new made as the fabric isn‘t accurate either. 2. I‘ll repaint the gun metal parts on the torso. That color is from the time when I didn‘t have an ANOVOS helmet, so I‘ll match the colors to the helmet‘s. 3. New E-11D on its way. I‘ll post more detailed pictures, if necessary. Thank you all in advance!
@Chaos First of all, I am so sorry for my late response. Secondly, thank you so much for your detailed description of how to permanently attach the rubber bands. Haven‘t tested your methods yet, but will do so in the near future. My forearms do not use the clamshell method but its ends are glued together. I‘ll keep you updated on how it has worked out. Lastly, your DT looks absolutely phenomenal! ?
I have to apologize for my late response, Mark! Yes, the forearms are fixed as I don‘t want anything to slide apart during a troop. I have tried using another glue (two component epoxy) which didn‘t work either, so I am definitely looking forward to your solution! Thank you for your kind words. The undersuit is holding up great so far, but I am sure that at one point or another we‘ll have to make adjustments or repair parts of it. The more troops I do the more I realize that these costumes were not meant to be worn so frequently. I hope you have been able to make adjustments regarding your undersuit and that you don‘t have to worry about that aspect any more. @BlacktipShark Thank you so much for your encouraging words! It really warms my heart to read (and at some point to hopefully see) that a persons draws inspiration from my build. I wish you a lot of fun for your own build and will follow your progress with great interest! I am somewhere between 6‘2“ and 6‘3“ (190 cm), with the suit and armor (and very tiny lifts) I reach a height of roughly 6‘5“. Well, I have heard from some people that their head didn‘t fit in the ANOVOS, but I for one had no issues at all. My head isn‘t small, that‘s for sure, and I can fit the helmet on effortlessly. One could also try to remove the lining, but if you have any chance to try the helmet on beforehand then do it (as our Emperor would say ).
Thank you so much for these words, Zac! ? As I said, the community has paved the way and I am more than grateful for being allowed to use all your resources. Thus I thank you all! Thank you, Mark! The pouches will receive some stuffing that will also allow me to hold my trading cards for instance. You are absolutely right regarding the leather pouch. Maybe I wasn‘t paying enough attention to it in the morning when putting on the armor. So yes, fixing it to the belt should do the trick. You are right, the rubber rings are loose, however, I haven‘t found a solution yet to permanently attach them. Every glue I used so far dissolved and left me with a mess ... I agree, the undersuit is still something that needs more research. In my case, though, I won‘t change a detail on it (apart from shortening the torso part a bit) as it was created by my mother for me in endless hours of sewing. I love it as it is and to me it is much more worth than movie accuracy. ? Thank you for all your detailed feedback!
So, I finally had the opportunity to wear my Death Trooper costume at the Vienna Comic Con 2019 and I am more than happy with its wearability and durability. A few things remain to be improved, such as the belt pouches and the length of the upper undersuit, but this costume has come a long way since its approval in terms of accuracy. Next destination: Specialist. I'll add a few pictures of my Death Trooper in action and please let me know if you see anything that isn't quite right and should thus be improved. Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way to make my first costume such a fun and long-lasting (in the positive sense) project!
Thank you, Ryan! Doing my best. ??
Thank you, Mark! You are absolutely right, I haven't posted any pictures of the lower and leg armor. Most certainly, I try to keep it consistent over all the parts. Here are a few pictures of the thighs and shins:
Thank you for your kind words, Zac! Well, yes, it is definitely my goal to make this armor look like it was actually used for the film. ? Also thanks for your calming words. In that case I won‘t worry too much about that. It‘s simply that balancing between the CRL and the screen-used armor isn‘t exactly easy, I guess. ?
Hello everyone, again, it has been some time since I last updated this WIP thread. Regarding the next update, however, I have a request to those who are familiar with the CRL or who have already been approved. The CRL states that most of the armor may be weathered slightly. Looking at the screen-used costumes, it is safe to say that those are way beyond a slight weathering, since they are covered with countless scratches, dust, dirt, etc. Now, if you are looking at the pictures below, do you think that it suits my DT and is in line with what a DT should like in the Legion, or should I remove some of the weathering? Your opinion is really important here. Thank you in advance Dániel PS: I am in the middle of replacing the lenses, so please don't worry about that.
Well, well, it has been a while since I last posted pictures of my progress regarding my armor. Having said this, I have finally managed to acquire several aluminum parts that I deemed necessary to have on my armor. 1. The D-rings that are installed beneath the chest buckles. 2. The D-rings that can be found at the side of the upper armor (between the chest and back piece). 3. The three "stabilizers" located on the left forearm. Also, I sanded, painted and weathered all these parts. As a matter of fact, I thought about creating this effect with something different than spray paint, but decided to stick with this more conservative method. Being very pleased with the result, I am more than grateful for any feedback on this matter. Now I it is all about installing these parts. Before painting and weathering: After: The finished chest buckle-D-rings: The finished between chest and back piece-buckles/D-rings: The finished forearm "stabilizers":
Thank you for your kind words, Nick! If it's not too much trouble for you, I'd love to see your approach of using this method. Oh yes, Paul's straps and buckles are fantastic. I just received D/V-rings out of aluminum and will install those within the next few days.
Hi GregD, it is the very same method I used for all the other parts: First of all, you need the following things: Hairspray, baby powder, two bowls or something you can put your "working materials" into and two brushes. I sprayed a bit of hairspray into a little bowl, dipped a brush into the liquid and then primed the areas I want to see covered in dust.Immediately afterwards I dipped another brush into the baby powder and applied it on the areas with hairspray. It dries fairly quickly, but in my case I was always able to remove it with some soapy water and a paper towel. I hope this helps.
Hello, it has been some time since my last update on my armor. Whatsoever, I do not want to waste any more of your time and get right into what has happened/not happened in terms of my progress: Helmet: I have added fans and lights to the bucket, but had to remove the lenses. Unfortunately, they came with a big bump on the left side. To put it in the words of the Bendu: "Once a flaw is seen it cannot be unseen." I am about to order a replacement from OPLE Props and will post pictures once I have received and built them into the helmet. Shoulder buckles and straps: I have installed the ones I received from Paul Prentice and I am absolutely blown away by how they snuggle over the back plate and chest piece. The buckles, too, are fantastic; both in quality and in accuracy. Upper torso D-rings: These are still on their way to me. The ones in the pictures are my old ones, but I repainted them. Rubber bands: Ordered these from a friend of the German Garrison. Cannot wait to receive those since they look perfect. No print lines or whatsoever. Feel free to ask, if you have any questions regarding my build! And as usual: Feedback and criticism are more than welcome. I really want to have a perfect Death Trooper! Thank you all in advance and best regards, Dániel Picture Gallery Shoulder straps and buckles: Weathered straps: Straps and buckles installed: Impression of my armor's current status (troop from June 14th 2019)
It’s an ABS 3D print by ArmoryShop. Couldn‘t be more happy with that kit.
Thank you, Marco! I sprayed a bit of hairspray into a little bowl, dipped a brush into the liquid and then "primed" the areas I wanted to see covered in dust. Immediately afterwards I dipped another brush into the baby powder and applied it on the areas with hairspray. That's it. And in case you aren't happy with the result, you can easily wipe down the weathering with some soapy water and try again.
Hi Dave, amazing work you have done there! Unfortunately, I don't have any suggestion regarding your armor, but there is another thing that has caught my eye: The stock of your E-11D is upside down. As far as I know it should be flipped.
Hello there, I really hope it's alright to start a new thread for the current work on my Death Trooper, even though it's "just" an extension in regard to my already existing and approved costume. Regardless, I am in the midst of entirely reworking the armor, in order to become as screen-accurate as possible. My first troop was about a month ago, but after seeing all the pictures and videos I decided that there is still much work to do for it to capture the presence of the movie DTs perfectly. The upgrades that I have bought / I am about to buy: Helmet: Anovos, since it's lineage goes directly back to the screen used prop. I have also weathered it as best as I could (pictures can be found below). Shoulder buckles and straps: These will be from Paul Prentice. Currently, the straps are 3D printed, but that's not what I want. The print lines are a bit too obvious and the color is not quite right. D-rings on the sides of the upper torso: Those I plan to be out of aluminum. E-11D: The base will be an S&T Sterling whereas most of the E-11D specific parts will be made out of steel/aluminum, as well. Stabilizers on left forearm: Will be made out of aluminum, as well. Maybe even anodized. Apart from all these upgrades and add-ons, I think it's also crucial to create the perfect flair and weathering, which I can't really put into words. Probably, there are still many not entirely accurate things on my armor that I haven't even noticed yet, so feel free to criticize anything and everything you think is not perfect/accurate. Such as: The shoulder d-rings aren't that silver in the movie, the left panel on the chest should have a shinier clear coat, etc. (The armor isn't perfectly assembled at the moment which means that I am very well aware of parts not being placed correctly.) It might hurt from time to time, but feedback and criticism are the only way of improving one's work. Thank you all in advance and best regards, Dániel Picture Gallery Snout repaint: Silver weathering (snout): Silver weathering (entire helmet): Dust weathering: Armor:
It's been quite a while since my last post, but a lot has happened since then. Both helmet and armor are finished, as well as the undersuit and all the other accessories relevant for the "standard" Death Trooper. I am really sorry for not keeping this thread up to date, but I have recorded my progress continually in the forum of the Austrian Garrison. The next big step is the approval of a DT specialist, whose progress I will describe most accurately in this thread as well. Regardless, TX 24156 is ready to serve the galactic empire! ? Please find attached a few of my application photos as well as some "best of" pics. Finished helmet (without weathering) Armory Shop Kit (ABS plastic; not all parts are depicted) Trying on the armor (very early stage ?) Chest part of the undersuit Sanding the armor ... Painted shoulder bells with "racing stripes" Trying on most parts of the painted armor. I haven't had the boots at that time! ? Still not entirely finished, but almost there! Step by step. The belt pouches are not correctly positioned yet ... With pauldron (not part of my approved costume) Submission pic #1 Submission pic #2 Submission pic #3 Submission pic #6
Thanks for all the positive feedback! Well, it's been quite a while since I last posted here, but unfortunately there hasn't been much that I could do during the last couple of months. My helmet's nearly finished (only the green acrylic for the tusks is missing, that's why I haven't attached them yet; I also have to add a more matted black to the stripe on the forehead) and I'm currently working on the undersuit. The armor has arrived a week ago, as well, but I can't start working on that before Christmas. Whatsoever, I've created a WIP album on imgur, so please feel to criticise, feedback and (if appropriate) applaud.