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First0rder last won the day on August 19 2017

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About First0rder

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  • 501st Garrison

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    Shadow Stormtrooper

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    Connecticut, USA

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  1. The closets youll get State side is a 2" ID x 2 3/8" OD pipe. If the ends are too small, you can try Hot water dipping them for a few min then attempt to slide them on.
  2. Coming out pretty nice. You might already know but just incase dont forget that the forearms trim should be 15mm for accuracy. Looking good and keep posting
  3. Sorry ive been quiet in Specops due to last build was TLJ Executioner. Looking to do a FO Specops soon.
  4. Looks Good and Congratulations!!! i do however see one issue which is with your Belt. The ends of the Ammo on the Belt need to be cut at 45 deg, i see your ammo belt is 90 deg. Easy fix.
  5. Very Nice looking Lance! Now paint that Post Silver
  6. Hi Tom, are you looking for Shadow Armor? if so PM me or look for Rocky here on the forums. WTF armor is a good place to get some and reasonably priced.
  7. Not to be a jerk but Sell it if you could. It wont make approval without a lot of work. youll have to fill in all of those Tub stripes with bondo and sand smooth as well as the tears and traps. Cut out the sections between the teeth and then add screen from under. then add the 3 screws to the ears. THough that doesnt sound like a lot of work. up to you. Specialist would definitely be out of reach in my opinion.
  8. Congrats Scott!! great to have you in SpecOps!!
  9. Yup thats what i do too. Gloves on afterwards. Let us know if your able to trim more and how progression is. thanks
  10. For the MagmaTrooper, Which Ear Rank Markings are permitted? Seen some paint the 4th ear bump which is for the PFC (Private First Class) Seen others paint the 3rd ear bump which is for the CPL (Corporal) Which are permitted to use on the Magma and or for the Specialist? Additional thought on this: Magmas often wear Black Pauldrons. The Black colored indicated Enlisted Troopers so Obv the Officer Marking are Out. So only from the Enlisted Side we focus.
  11. Any change you can tighten up those forearms around your wrist?. should have less than 1/2 inch gap around the perimeter.
  12. The anticipation is killing me ;0 your going to be a shoe in for sure
  13. Great build tread.. keep up the good work.
  14. OH YEAH!!! UKSWRATH Is going to apply for Specialist!!! Gonna Be nice!!!!
  15. Cant speak for eveyone but ImperialBoots.com here. The Shop is currently open for a few more days
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