When I got into the 501st it was with a SithArmor TX stormtrooper kit.
After that all I ever wanted was a Magma Trooper.
Every one in my Garrison can tell you that
Well about 4 weeks ago I got up at 3 am to get ready for work when I noticed I had a few messages on my phone.
It was a link to a Ebay auction from several of my friends stating there was a Magma on Ebay!
I immediately emailed the guy and told him to end the auction and to call me.
Well around 8am he did!
I found out he was on of the original 10 from the run done around 10 years ago of true red A.B.S. stormtroopers armor!
He got it in the mail and had built armor before but when he opened the package was set back alittle by how nice it was and thought "I am gonna take my time on this one!"
And to tell the truth forgot about it.
Until cleaning out his basement and found the box of unbuilt un touched red armor that had been there all these years!
He then put it on Ebay and now I have it!!!
Well I am taking my time but I am actually assembling it.
Helmet is almost done just need to put in the lenses Kevin Christley is making for me.
Thighs have been expanded.
Biceps have been expanded
Fore arms assembled
Calves assembled
Ab buttons on.
Will be doing the chest straps and belt this weekend.
I have a set of TK boots but need to figure out how to dye/paint them to match the armor.
I am blue painters taping off every thing since when you get glue on the red abs it turns it orange.
When you cut the plastic it also turns orange but you can heat it up and the red will come back.