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ShortCut last won the day on June 11 2018

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About ShortCut

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  • 501st Garrison
    Puerto Rico Garrison

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    Puerto Rico
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    Fencing, reading, Star Wars, languages. But not necessarily in that order.

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  1. Hello there!! Currently the one DT in Puerto Rico and second siren and fourth member of Spec Ops over there.

  2. Hey guys!!! Wanted to update you that I have finished my kit and was approved successfully. Will show you pics of both the helmet and the finished kit. Always bro. Thanks for giving me strength to finish it with your words.
  3. Hey, the insets and grooves are matte black not metallic black or gunmetal silver. Matte, when hit with a camera flash looks silver. When one does greyscale drawings and paintings with black primarily one uses the opacity and light refraction to make the different details come out. No need to go to a completely different color.
  4. NOW!! My helmet progress! Denis has done an AMAZING job and I can't wait to have that baby in my hands and show it off. I really am happy that I found him. Not everyone is willing to take the time and scale down a whole kit and helmet for just one person and I am really grateful that he did take the time. It is because of people like him that us hobbits can get to dress up so awesomely. <3 29472165_2454256404590514_7731285245579755520_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 29497698_2454256794590475_7993238973159833600_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 29831126_2474330602583094_932618282_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 29425316_2454256514590503_8212754309276762112_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 29954971_2474330669249754_1977300698_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 29831246_2474330559249765_1703092128_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 29831350_2474330509249770_505493738_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 29884283_2474330502583104_367213312_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 29954858_2474330629249758_871163368_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 29994687_2474330649249756_582787063_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32863842_2555102204505933_2977766187129110528_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 33025895_2555102137839273_6861526300528476160_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 33031311_2555102161172604_4287997251273359360_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 33161875_2559501487399338_1200156717409632256_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 33182999_2559501644065989_1449376176194715648_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 33301709_2559501637399323_3509056386128412672_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 33432177_2559501657399321_2473090264080580608_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr And his wife modelling the helmet: 33227957_2559501330732687_6586938398366236672_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr Lastly, I am in my last weeks of school so I am putting the kit aside to do projects and last assignments. Will come back soon with more updates. Waiting for the three pieces to come so I can finish sanding and glue so I can start painting. The belt is coming with the helmet, the belt will be also scaled down. Thanks for lasting this long seeing/ reading this post. Will be glad to see your comments.
  5. Continuation: 31542919_10156747373489026_2755995744073678848_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 31925062_10156747373499026_7101953767985119232_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 31948517_10156747373754026_3231696408994119680_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 31956636_10156747624924026_6322948744618704896_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32072971_10156750477009026_3821825954846605312_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32072975_10156750472879026_7917015157765570560_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 31542979_10156747373724026_4513907879593377792_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 31948088_10156747373714026_4939243752251195392_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32293813_10156765013634026_8607201279652921344_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32313033_10156765013659026_6586683011020881920_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32332233_10156765013579026_4634502645640331264_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32349686_10156765014129026_2433959907968417792_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32349697_10156765014004026_9140658805049131008_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32349768_10156765013414026_666597044806221824_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32395197_10156765013779026_6682200661322366976_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32477565_10156765013424026_3195700017503404032_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32533131_10156765014184026_3372863037596762112_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 32538521_10156765014054026_8646349386864918528_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 33028717_10156778632214026_4512075702379479040_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 33041360_10156787909769026_1363893764224974848_n (1) by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr I also did the thighs but didn't take pics of that. Before the helmet, I want to show you the shoes. These are the Doc Martens size w7 that I found. A bit big but a rolled up ankle sock in each fixes that. No biggie. 33165998_10156787910774026_6621610007194501120_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr (Ends in next post.)
  6. AAAAAANNNNNNNDDDDDDD... Sorry for taking too long with the updates. Last semester's assignments are psych ward inducing. I am now giving you all the progress I have done to this day. Will try to explain what I have done but it will be short and concise since there are 80+ pics. Feel free to comment and give me ideas. Thanks for your encouragement!!! Want to give thanks to 501st members Denis Vorobiev (He is so nice!), Lance, Tara, Rosemarie (they really helped me not get down, faced with mean comments), Jeff Vincent, Jeff Siegle, Jimmy Duvensjo, Forrest Edge, Mark Christiansen, Juan Enrique (one of my garrison's GM's), Carlos Colón (local garrison member and new member of this detachment with his shadow scout), Nick George, Matt Manne, Thomas Maske, and many more! You all have been great to me. Sooooo my progress starts just before the kit was sent: I asked Denis to give me a preview of what I was getting and he happily obliged. Luckily, his wife is my size so she modelled the pieces and undersuit. Here they are: 27999760_2385923818090440_633511476_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 27947173_2385923894757099_463052814_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr The helmet (Which came from Matt Manne as it was too small for him) ended up being too big for me. These are pics taken when the helmet arrived. 28278763_10156537956149026_477007655_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr When I test fitted it I ended up looking like a Funko Pop. 28311962_10156540952739026_10755786_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 28312297_10156540949519026_452678621_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 28417599_10156540952599026_1197570256_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr I talked to Denis and I sent the helmet to another customer whom it fitted well. Denis and I agreed that my head was too small for his smallest helmet and after taking some measurements from my Mandalorian helmet (custom made for my head), he went on to do some work on the 3d model of the DT helmet to print me a smaller one. This is what he came up with and how much smaller the helmet to be done was in comparison to the normal sized one. 28547485_10156549126314026_1911154940_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 28461187_2410851818930973_2099606496_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr The line almost in the middle of the image is where to bottom of my helmet goes. Yeah, small. (The helmet pic process will be continued at the end since it is the most recent development) So I took pics of all the kit's pieces I was given once they came. 28661170_10156574288484026_6191458705370234912_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 28782723_10156574288589026_4548286596097170597_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 28870641_10156574288859026_2038259846175656860_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr And I started sanding them all by hand and fixing some that were too thin. Also fiberglassed them inside to reinforce them as Puerto Rico's heat could easily misshapen them (happened to a few pieces, managed to get them to the right place). Up til now, most pieces are filled except the three my cute dog ate out of separation anxiety. Those three are being printed by a friend that didn't mind helping me with that (the MVP in this build, along with Denis) 30725281_10156696079324026_7817168717300629504_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 30712026_10156696079349026_899996013031325696_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 30707639_10156696079354026_3896456921489604608_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 30710220_10156696079369026_5510607353331843072_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 30709093_10156696079454026_7501241690489880576_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 30713098_10156703726814026_1450960181608316928_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 29681311_10156640096709026_1834989774_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 30728425_10156703726824026_6685509182004658176_n by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr 31531299_10156747373439026_1617598672105635840_o by Daniel Fitzgerald, on Flickr (Continues on next two posts)
  7. Hey, I hear there are at least two different troopers talking in the recording. Is there any way to separate a trooper to one track each using the timbre of the different troopers? I mean... it could definitely sound more awesome if each trooper had the same recording going on at the same time but each guy saying a different trooper dialogue at their respective times? Like one would have the first trooper but when that trooper finishes talking the other guys recording would say the answer and it goes back and forth? The only downside I see of this is that all recordings must start at the same time... it can also help to lengthen the response time of each trooper. Like... two troopers walking a bit far from each other yet they sound as if they are having a conversation...that is if you have the loop one. if it is the play and pause then it is easier.
  8. That is the one on the back? ArmoryShop's kit comes with it. And the belt buckle. Also... Update time! My kit is on the way. Got some gloves (any help as to how shorten the thumb?) And I also found Jered boots my size at a ridiculous price. Will be posting photos of the kit when it arrives.
  9. I went with ArmoryShop's kit, helmet and undersuit. Just paid them all right now. Waiting for it to be sent soon. I am still missing the gloves, belt kit, balaklava and termal detonator.
  10. The CRL is a bit confusing when defining Tier 2 and Specialist. Are they the same thing or is Specialist a variant that can be done in both T1 and T2? Also, if the Specialist is a variant, I would suggest to add all the Specialist add-ons at the end of the CRL. It is really a bit hard to keep track of what the Specialist requires if it is all scattered over the CRL. If T2 is the same as Specialist, then ignore this. When talking about the boots it is used the word 'heal' instead of 'heel' for the back portion of the foot. Might lead to confusion in translation.
  11. I am also interested on how the kit will turn out for someone of my size. I hope it doesn't affect the normal DT look. Thanks for the encouraging words. I will try to be more active in the forum and update you guys as soon as I start working on it.
  12. Almost finished paying my kit, helmet and undersuit! Just a bit more and I am more closer to my goal! Thanks guys! Can't wait to join!
  13. Small update: I bought the boots. Zappo's Talib Doc Martens. They are just about to be delivered to my PO Box. The updates are a bit slow but it is because I live in Puerto Rico and I am struggling to make ends meet to pay for everything when there is hardly any job here thanks to the Hurricane. Thanks for your patience guys. Planning on wearing it to my BA graduation.
  14. I already talked to Imperial Boots and they reiterated that the sizes run from 7 W US. I could try Zappo's 5 but 7 is way too big for a comfortable walk without tripping on them. Thanks for the links. Thanks for the answers people. I am grateful for your help and counsel.
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