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    Southern California Garrison

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  1. Not sure this line is correct: "The teeth and vocoder are painted the same dark, gun metal grey as the mohawk" In this picture the teeth and vocoder definitely look to be a black color. Teeth look the same color/finish as the rest of the helmet and the vocoder looks to be a satin/matte black. Hard to see the mohawk, but every other photo shows it to clearly be a dark grey/gunmetal color. You can see in this picture that the mohawk is a lighter color. It looks like the mohawk is a grey/gun metal color, and the teeth and vocoder are a satin/matte black finish, similar to how the vocoder is on regular Stormtroopers. If anything, I could see the teeth being the same color as the mohawk, but would definitely have to be a dark gun metal. No pictures show the teeth being a light color like how the mohawk is seen.
  2. Actually the squad part of the name is just squad, not short for squadron http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Star_Wars_Battlefront_II:_Inferno_Squad But yes, this could still end up under JRS. In that link it says the Imperial Navy created the squad, but does not mention (nor did the author or dev team mention) them being pilots. However the game itself has a squad member call themselves special forces, and the author and dev team said this as well at the panel. I'm going to build the armor regardless which detachment gets it. I just think it should be Spec Ops. Much like Death Troopers are Spec Ops despite being officially called a version of Stormtrooper. We will know more when the book comes out on July 25th
  3. Yeah I figured JRS is going to attempt a CRL as well, but they are actually called special forces in the game trailer. Also I don't think they are pilots either
  4. Sadly the figure is not accurate and is just a tie pilot repainted
  5. Here is a link to a google drive folder I created with several collected images and a series of screenshots that I captured from the trailer to show various angles and parts of the costumes https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-CuMbNsDPIsTHJPWEVxMWZEaWM
  6. New here, but hoping to help form the CRL for this costume. Naming wise, Imperial Spec Ops is too general. I would think the name should be along the same as its called in the game/book: Inferno Squad Trooper. Here is what I have noted so far, similar to what Bell has written:
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