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Everything posted by Suulyar

  1. -Pouches are dry and looking good! -Barrel of my t-21 is done, now just working on the rest of it. -Started my snaps. I am lucky as most of the male snaps are still in place, but some of them have fallen off and/or did not make the cut during the trimming process.
  2. The boots are the same as ACjay's from amazon...Bass Men's Amsterdam Ankle Boot. I think I am going to try taking them out to the garage tomorrow to get some heat. If I do bring them outside I think I will cover them with a pillowcase or scrap cloth.
  3. Some progress made this weekend. As I said, the boots came in and fit nicely. http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0561.jpg Pauldron painted http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0562.jpg Canvas pouches still trying to dry three days after being dyed...stupid humidity. http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0563.jpg On a side note, I got the helmet padded, but ended up removing the faucet aerators and lenses. Both lenses were giving me trouble staying in place and one of the aerators actually wouldn't stay together.
  4. -Boots were delivered today. Perfect fit! -Canvas ammo pouches also delivered today (it was like Christmas when I got home from work). I just need to pick up some black latex wood stain to color them What I was referring to in my previous post... http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0546.jpg I need to add a cover strip, correct?
  5. So, I ended up having to trim a bit from the front due to my cat stealing my little snapped off bit and having issues getting another piece to sit flush. Should I add a strip to cover the sides to make the overlap look full size or is that not necessary? There is about 1 cm worth of overlap/lip now. Pics when I get home from work if needed.
  6. The calves fit great actually, but yes, I am going to need to shorten and skinny up the thighs. Did you do a lot of trimming to the torso area? -Pauldron painted, just need to touch up where some of the gold snuck in near the male velcro. Nice armory, btw. I left with a 346 on my main around February. My account is still active so maybe I will grab me some professor plums (epics) from that new 5-man ZG. Sullis/Spinebreaker
  7. Ahaha, I can't believe you caught that. I actually have 5 85s (all horde)...and none of them are my lock. I have been playing rift instead of WoW recently. I met up with some CTG people today and got a better idea of how armor is supposed to fit shorties (5'4") like me. I got my bowcaster finished...oh wait, wrong forum.
  8. Don't worry, the tape was just there for pics. Already gently peeled off with no damage to the paint. http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0544.jpg It feels like it fits well, but just wanted to make sure that it looks right before any cutting occurs. http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0539.jpg http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0538.jpg
  9. http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0537.jpg Grrr. Obviously I had a technical issue while pulling the E6000 apart. The trim guide linked above shows most of the trimming from the back part of the bicep, but considering how much I need to trim, should I go ahead and take 1/2" from each side of the front to take out that chip or should I go ahead and do the E6000/canvas patch and take all the trimming from the back? I apologize for all of my noobish questions, but I feel like I am playing with the big kids here and I want to make sure I get everything right. I absolutely love working on my mando kit, but as member of NEG jokingly said "here's a T-visor and a box of crayons...go". This build definitely has a different feel to it.
  10. http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0536.jpg There ya go, Izzi. Hope that is a better shot.
  11. Your wife is a lucky lady to get one of Saz's krayt buckets. He just shipped my custom out a couple days ago.
  12. http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0531.jpg I see some trimming and foam blocks in the future. http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0527.jpg I have seen a lot of different sized hand plates in proportion to the glove/hand. I just wanted to check here first to see if and how much you guys would suggest trimming.
  13. Pauldron and a few extra goodies should be enroute today. Gloves should be here today or tomorrow. Going to try to have the boyfriend's brother pick me up some snaps from his store (having a connection at a hobby shop definitely rocks).
  14. Yeah, I got the general idea. I was just playing around.
  15. Those are definitely a good option. Thank you. I actually need to remember to check ebay now that I have my paypal set up.
  16. Tried dying my poly/cotton blend gloves and the dye is not taking. Grinding my teeth right now trying to find black gloves for my tiny hands.
  17. Picked up my black dye yesterday. Seriously considering doing the neck seal this weekend. Anyway, actually put on the armor for the first time last night. That was a little tricky without snaps in place. I watched costumebot and saw some neat tips and ideas. http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0489.jpg http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0488.jpg http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu222/sullis/IMG_0487.jpg EDIT: Links fixed.
  18. "* NECKSEAL: Black ribbed neck seal. The ribs should be horizontal, not be loose, and should extend from the base of the neck to the top of the adam's apple." But, but, but...I don't have an adam's apple. haha Sorry, just looking through the CRLs and that made me laugh. I have definitely eliminated cheap and fast out of the whole "Cheap, fast or good -Pick two" idea. I am thankful that ACJay's kit has given me an excellent starting point, but I am going to take the tortoise route the rest of the way.
  19. I was able to pick up a black compression shirt from Walmart this weekend...still working on the leggings. I also picked up a couple pairs of gloves made out of jersey. The gloves are going to meet a nice bucket of black dye soon. I picked up a yard of black cloth for my neck seal and it will be joining my girth belt in the sewing machine production line. This may seem like slow progress, but I have also been working steadily on my mando in conjunction. I've learned a lot through trial and error with my mando and I think that will end up saving me some time and headache with my Nova.
  20. My wetsuit came in today, but it was too small so I am sending it back According to user comments on their site, the company recently changed their sizing, but hasn't updated the sizing chart. Hopefully I will be picking up gloves this weekend and working on my neck seal if time permits. EDIT: Rather than ordering a size up, I am just going to go with ol' faithful UA.
  21. Awesome link, thank you so much. I am going to ignore that 6' comment...I will let it slide this time.
  22. ACJay's armor arrived the other day and it is beautiful. 4/26 To do/buy list: -Undersuit- purchased -Gloves- need (ACJay referred me to some nice inexepensive gloves at Home Depot, but we will have to see if they will fit my tiny hands) -Neck seal- need to purchase material/make -Pauldron- Referred to website -Backpack- Pretty sure a combined trip to WalMart/Home Depot will get me off to a good start -Boots- I will search around locally a bit before buying online -Trimming to my 5'5" size -Snaps installment post trimming -Weapon -Paint touch ups in couple areas Darn my paying off my car...methinks payday will be a welcome day.
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