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batlord77 last won the day on June 20 2023

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    Golden Gate

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  1. The reason i so clearly remember the two colored lights was you could see them clearly from where I was positioned for close to a week on that stage. The reason I was talking to Justin about the costume was that we couldnt really see the details from our angles because we were always behind the Purge troopers and you stunt guys. So I was always looking at the back and sides. So, we saw the two lights. Hey we have a group on FB. I could ask the group what they remeember. Like I said we were all behind and could see the lights much clearer than on screen. But I remember the red lights, but there was an amber one too on the helmet.
  2. Yes that's it. I remember it being black background on the inside with little tiny red cogs and they were very small. Like the size of a dime. Ardeshire do you remember the same?
  3. It was too late for me to introduce you guys to him. But I wanted to welcome my friend, Ardeshire, aka Equuspolo. He is the reason that at any of the 501st were in Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was the one that talked to Deborah Chow and suggested using us rather than CGI or extras. And then people were chosen from all over the California garrisons but most of them were from SoCal. Anyway, I think most of the people from my garrison were so tired they would just go back to the hotel after filming all day. But all the local guys they weren't going back to hotels so they would get together for dinner at the shake shack around the corner. Me and my other friend are the only people who decided that it was more important to make contacts and friends and went out each night and got to really know these guys. Anyway, I saw all these different questions about the lights. The backpack and such as I start going through the thread here. I saw that there were number of assumptions that I knew were wrong. And at first I asked my friend who was the other trooper who wore the helmet and he said his memory is so bad, he doesn't really remember anything except for the little imperial cogs on the inside of the waist part. I still don't know what nothing's called. He was the one that suggested asking Ardeshire. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. So you guys think I'm an expert on the helmet. This guy has worn the whole costume and worked with the troopers on a daily basis up close. He should be able to help us on any of the questions, and correct any mistakes that I have missed. Welcome Ardeshire!!
  4. Ahh thank you for that warm welcome. What's so hard is that all the shots of them are so dark. After that experience, I knew that costume was going to be one of my next future costumes. It was destiny😆 Glad to be on the team and that I can help.
  5. Aaah Thanks. Justin Dobies was the head stunt guy who let me try on the helmet. We were chatting and he asked me to hold his blaster. I told him we didn't really get to check out his armor because they were always in the front. He let us check everything out including the tiny cogs on the waist wrap (I know it has a differnt name). Then I guess because we always check out each others armor when we are trooping , I didn't really think about what I was asking but I said can I see the helmet and he let me hold it, then I said can I try it on? He smiled and looked around and said, yeah, go over behind the blue screens and you can , just don't let anyone see you. So, me and three others went over and took turns trying it on. The red lenses ARE REALLY DARK, intense RED!!! I mean like when you put on those red bue 3d glasses. That kind of red. But it wasn't till the next day that it really hit the 3 of us. We realized this will be a costume they use in other things, yet we got to actually wear the helmet. I'm still not sure what was cooler, being in Obi Wan or getting to try on a brand new trooper costume before anyone ever got to see it. So, that's the story. Then while we had to be quite, Justin posted that picuture on Insta and someone tagged me that I was clearly in the background. Anyway Im blessed to have had this incredible expierience and if I can help to get all that to the CRL I will be so honored.
  6. Feel free to ask me any question. My email is tk-77776@outlook.com Im on vacation right now so might not get right to it. Hope that helps. Craig Gaylord
  7. Hi, Guys, I'm Craig TK-77776. I was one of the troopers in Kenobi. 1st off, we stood in formation behind the purge troopers from almost a week. The lights are definatly Orange yellow, kind of like a blinker light on your car. On top of that Im one of 3 who actually went behind the blue screen and got to wear it. Yes IT IS NOT WHITE!!!!! I've been helping Kenon with his design and frankly its felt like I was critiquing someone's artwork. But I have picked apart that thing from the smallest details. Dont ask me by memory which light was on top but I know the color was not white!! I held it in my arms.
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