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Evilshadow last won the day on February 22 2019

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About Evilshadow

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    Spanish Garrison

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  1. Problem Solved!!!! In 2-4 days I'll receive the armor and I'll add the new elastics.
  2. In my case matte black with the vinyl as in the helmet, and yes, that's some reflection, that's a glossy one.
  3. Thanks. I've got one more questuion to ask, regarding the tank... Mine is like this one: and the new one is like this one: Do I have to change the entire tank?
  4. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-c5tjk0cxXJ7PkgF4LUhgBbZH2-FPVH2?usp=sharing There you have the pics, I think I've only have to close the neck
  5. yes I do, let me gather the soft clothes I've got, my armour is getting put together at this moment
  6. Hi guys, as far as I've making this costume for over two years (yes 2!) Do I have to modify all the stuff in order to get the lvl 1 and two? I've bought the armor 3 months ago... Ready for lvl 2 Best Regards!
  7. I've received the blaster, my armor is in progress, about the blaster, it's amazing, and weights around 1 kilogram, love it!!! I'll make some studio shots as soon as I can Enviado desde mi CLT-L29 mediante Tapatalk
  8. The E11 is the Imperial Warfighters one
  9. I've got the OK from my GML! Armor ordered, 6-8 weeks from now, keep you updated and fingers crossed. I'm also thinking about buying a rubber e11 (got the doopys resin with missing parts unmounted). Best regards!
  10. I've already asked my local GML and I'm waiting for the reply, If not I'll be picking the gloss one, the thing I'm not sure if it is easier to maintain as the matte is. Best regards!
  11. Another picture of the matte armor Enviado desde mi CLT-L29 mediante Tapatalk
  12. Nice! Fingers crossed, I've been talking with them and they stated that matte is matte, even having those shines, Should I go then into the gloss one? I'm really into the matte one, but crl is crl... Best regards!
  13. They tag it as matte finish, but I'm almost sure that is a shiny matte https://www.facebook.com/infoAFProps/posts/2184544045155712?__xts__[0]=68.ARDFwjKgj25PHqzSkyYYmKOmiB206Boe2oRGEydv3sN-N9bwkXWrTPSAtUNg03rwyGvyB6pDrb26m-2KKG-IovZ-0HHjHRdeD0OztFogIHvNVikaegg-J7P1LSbohLevOEFDXXZv6O9V1XijQjQHoWTCZ3yHjM_c7kZC3TSBW-gIVq-S_joEbjZ5F_GZX8kFqt2w7qFxer5mzooKVI6kYZuYZBoVMi7XxAOCXO9j1KUed0S3LATZ4OD4-kKnk47Kw0dHWQNUL40zvV2v8P-gCknuwqxk89NRhMpdilB3ALpHEsCCP5cfEcgZGeZ2p_p80YihtrK_gy1hJoBghMwi_IZ5vUye&__tn__=-R
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