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mattnelson521 last won the day on June 14 2018

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About mattnelson521

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  • Name
    Matt Nelson
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Garrison
    Central Garrison

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  1. Im not sure about the ears for your kit if they will work or not but if you need some i know walt trooper factory makes them.
  2. Walt Trooper Factory. I can help with that replacement part shoot me a pm.
  3. Nice. Im hopping some more people with jump on this. Not every day you can get your hands on a Magma.
  4. We are taking orders now. If anyone is interested they can reach out to me.
  5. Hey just a Update on this. Still need about 5 more people to make this happen. if anyone is interested please show your interest.
  6. A couple quick things The Harness in the photo does not match the description using Tri Glides and in the description it also indicates to use 2in black nylon webbing. that should be changed to OD Green. I can take a photo this afternoon with a H harness with the proper clips and Tri Glides you guys can use. Second just throwing it out there. If you wanted to use this photo you can. Its the Telemetry unit used on the helmet in the proposed CRL here, but a closer shot which shows more details. it might help people out.
  7. The Walt ATI helmet is smooth all the way around. He made a new mold just for the Army trooper. If you are looking to Pick the WTF helmet up shoot me a PM. I can help I can assist you with that.
  8. I personally bought the Uvex. I think it was listed as a option in one of the post.
  9. I think if your doing the E-11 holster should work since your doing the basic army trooper. I make the Harness, Bino, Commlink, and Telemetry units if you need any of those.
  10. I dont think it matches the reference photos but it would be nice if it was. I am working on 2 different designs. I really like the comic version. Do you have the comics?
  11. Maybe give it a shot. I also think they are still talking about reworking the CRL it might be something you can bring up to add.
  12. I would think so. Realistically they should be and as long as they follow the mollie look i dont see why they would have a problem with it.
  13. Currently the CRL says H harness so i dont think the Y harness would work, but the Extra pouches i think would be ok. currently the CRL for the Army Trooper states " Any additional OD Green MOLLE style pouches are encouraged to fill out the belt, but are not required." I personally grabbed a couple grenade pouches and a single Mag pouch to add to my costume. I was thinking a couple thermal detonators would be a nice touch.
  14. I make the Harness, Helmet Greeblies, Commlink, and Binos. Shawn can do packs and Walt Trooper Factory should be making the Armor and helmets.
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