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Everything posted by Brokk

  1. Small update again...revised the strapping and went out for some wetland raiding. Had so much fun editing the pics. Frogman for life
  2. Hey gang, this thread has been dead for a while and honestly I just didn't have the motivation to post progress. But now I'm glad to say that this build was complete and I've joined the Spec Ops family as your 8th Swamp Trooper!!! The photos arn't the best however, but I'ma going to get some action shots once I get some strapping attachment hardware fixed on my knees and drop boxes. Shout out to Steven Burns for the help last year when I was debating if I wanted to do this trooper or not. Glad I did
  3. A long needed update to the thread; the awkward part of the suit is done: cumberbun and boots. In person the boot matches the armor's Rustolium green really well. Shout out to Burn's for pointing where snag the vynil. I wanted have at least 1 armor part done to have as a comparison for the color of the boots. Very happy with it. Now to see about soft parts & armor kits. Gloves, I was leaning towards Endor finders. Color if vynil > Marine Green > sourced on Etsy > boots crafted by Ewokcobbler Cumberbun by Tye O'Dell Ps: since this is sorta a side project, Im aswell working on a sandtrooper, and wont really be touching anymore scout parts till early next year unless a vendor has a sale for a part towards this build. Any constructive criticism is welcome here
  4. And 95% complete...need to acquire the visor. Very happy with how it turned out! The helm maker is Walt's Trooper Factory
  5. First up the the helm... Taped off what I could and trimmed off the tape to create an tape cover that covered the decals fairly well. The decals contrasted nicely with the White background.. These were the cans used for this part and really the main ones I think we're going to need to turn the armor swampy... As well as some 5000grit sand paper. I found some at AutoZone. After applying the primer, I waited 24hrs just to be safe, plus I didn't have the 5000grit at the time. Just gave a fair rub once over to smooth things out.. Finally, time to apply the meadow green, then apply semi clear coat... Applied the green, did 2 coats, then let it do it's thing for 24hrs
  6. About to kick off a build thread for a Swamp Trooper, or I like to call them, Frog Men... Painting helmet tomorrow, and getting cumberbun fixed up, as well as boots soon. Stay tuned...
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