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Everything posted by Chucklovesfood

  1. Thanks for the input. The under-suit has all the ribbing but the low quality shots don’t show it. As for the shins and thighs, I was walking around for a bit in the armor and things shifted around. Can easily be fixed by just moving them back. I’m not sure about the thighs you mentioned tho. The belt pieces must have also been shuffled around while moving. I know the quality of the pics is pretty bad, I’ll attach a link to better quality pics in a moment. https://imgur.com/a/Kvlm5Rc
  2. I’ve had this armor pretty much completed for a long long time (preCovid) I’ve had it stuck inside a box in the garage with the original plan to display it at Celebration 2020. I just submitted it for approval after not touching it for over a year. Any feedback is most welcome!
  3. I also have an older style suit and was wondering if there are any known makers of the gasket style needed for lvl 2. If there are id appreciate it if anyone can post them. Thanks
  4. Been looking to finish my build finally and was wondering opinions on any vendors for the specialist pauldron. Looking for the best quality. Thanx guys Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Your DT looks amazing, hoping mine is as nice when finished Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. My god it looks awesome! Congrats on it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Congrats! Btw what armor did u use, it's nice Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Hey dude I'm also in need of the holster and any other bits for the build that you just finished making, if you think you can make some for me let me know how much for your services btw great progress on your DT build! Looks awesome Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. This looks awesome, I'm currently working on my own DT build but I still haven't decided where to buy the armor, also looking at the armoryshop stuff, plz post pics when u get them Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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