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  • Location
    Mission, BC, Canada
  • Interests
    Costuming, 4x4, camping, photography, Halo, Starwars, DrWho, Computers, Electronics.

LongShot-X's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Shaggy9342 I'm new here but not new to the pepakura method that you are going thru. So far from what I have seen, your "pepping" skills are very good. - Good clean folds and straight lines. - No warping. - Good HD detail on all the parts. As for the scaling... yes it sometimes does require that you rescale and re-pep the pieces. I have had to do that many times with mine. Keep up the excellent work. I like what I'm seeing from a fellow pep builder. Oh... and here's something to hopefully help inspire and motivate you to keep going. "Darth Chief" Cheers
  2. Just had to drop by and say HI :)

  3. Greeting Doug! I just had to pop in to "see" what your Nova Trooper looks like. That way I'll know what to look for when we meetup at the next Con. WOW! I had no idea how awesome it looks. It's even my favorite color! Cheers! Kevin (Spartan LongShot-X)
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