I see a few problems that will affect approval and a few that are just accuracy issues to be addressed in the future.
First the front:
The most noticeable issue is that your shoulder bells are on backward. Just switch those around to the other arms and you will be okay.
Your shoulder straps definitely need to be fitted lower as well, as in bring them forward toward the neckline. The top of the buckles should ideally be flush with the neck opening.
Bring your front cloth pouch closer to your belt buckle. Match it with the spacing you have on your right side pouch and that will be great.
Twist your left forearm armor so that the silver impellers are on top of your forearm and the "groove" section is further toward the backside of your arm.
As a side note, I would weather all the silver buckles and parts of your armor and helmet (minus the belt buckle) to be much, much darker. They should ideally be a dark gray metallic, preferably with a look as though they were originally black and the black paint has chipped away. That should be an accuracy issue and not a approval issue.
I'm not sure what is going on with this plate, exactly. I believe the thermal detonator should be fastened much higher than it currently is. I would say in the space directly below the triangular section. CRL pic:
It shouldn't affect approval, but your side buckle should be tilted to match the angle of the edge of your chest plate:
Your leather pouch is much too large and should be moved forward toward the front canvas pouch:
I can't tell if the thigh section (circled in green) is ribbed or not. If it is not, it will need to be. If it is, no worries.
Same issue with this buckle as the other side. No biggie.
Your holster, much like your leather pouch on the other side, is much too large. You will need to get a more accurate holster. The strap that goes around the belt should only be about 2 inches wide.
Your blaster is holstered incorrectly. It should be like this:
The long strap around the scope mount and the small loop around the scope. The way you have yours, I'm afraid you are going to lose your blaster, besides the accuracy issue.
Overall, you've done a great job! Death Trooper armor is a very detailed build and can be difficult to complete. As it is, you will not be approved by your GML, but your issues are minor and can be fixed easily. Don't let that dissuade you, though. You should be very proud of getting this far! Take care of these small issues and you're good!
I look forward to your approval.