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  • 501st Garrison

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  1. Cool, thanks guys. I am having trouble finding out what those aerator pieces are in the hose ports of those new stills. No one is responding to their wip pics smh. They were definitely metal so I figured they were a preexisting part, likely automotive but idk.
  2. I have some questions. The crl currently states that these helmets will be Rogue One style. I don't remember seeing TIEs in R1 and the only stills I can find are of the sideshow figure. I don't see any differences other than the paint scheme. The crl also states that the area outside the trident and that the teeth are a gunmetal color. It just looks like reflectiveness to me. Can anyone clarify these?
  3. I am curious as to the differences between the R1 TIEs and ANH TIEs...I don't remember seeing them in the movie and I can't find any stills online. Also, it looks like only Iden Versio has the indented rectangle on the trident. The ground troop pic in the OP do not have it.
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