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501st Info

  • Name
  • 501st Garrison

Profile Information

  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Anything Superhero, literally. If they've powers, I like it.
    Used to be die hard anime fan, but I haven't watched any in years. I still do like some shows.
    CARS. Anything from Classic American Muscle to Lamborghini's and the like.
    Fourwheeling!!! Dad has a bat-jeep, therefor, my goal is a jeep.

CorporalSnyder's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. This could actually end up being a stupid question, but while researching armors, I see some are specifically labeled Shadow Troopers. My question; Is the Nova Trooper armor also the Shadow Trooper armor? Aside from the added paint for Nova. Also I'm looking at RS Prop Masters. How durable is their armor to troop? They have a disclaimer about being responsible for injuries while wearing the armor so I'm curious if it's durability. Thanks!!
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