Finals is what happened. >____> Oh also I should mention that during finals week I became violently ill enough to warrant a trip to the ER, my RA was not happy, though it was due to food poisoning, I think the one time in my college's history the RA had to write a report about a student getting sick that did not involve alcohol. So that was fun, and then over the course of break from College, I left half my crap up here I needed to work on it, I.E. my booklet to figure out placement for the hook. Well now that I am back and settled in, this weekend will be an armor working one. I just have to place the velcro on the front of the chest and that is it, and the only piece left is to get cushioning for the helmet so it sits right on my head, and remove so excess hot glue that seeped through the eye sockets and ear caps. Other wise I am good to go honestly, oh yes and the belt, though I need a hair dryer for that... Thank god for friends who are girls who have long hair!