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  1. I have a question actually, I am guessing this is standard, but are the buttons on the small front chest piece black, or they allowed to be silver? Just a quick thought since I am working on that piece now and will need to pick up the correct paint if the need to be black. Thanks again, also pics will be coming shortly, but this being my last semester at college, actual time is limited heh. I should have some pics of it fully ready to go this weekend minus getting it on and moving around with it.
  2. Finals is what happened. >____> Oh also I should mention that during finals week I became violently ill enough to warrant a trip to the ER, my RA was not happy, though it was due to food poisoning, I think the one time in my college's history the RA had to write a report about a student getting sick that did not involve alcohol. So that was fun, and then over the course of break from College, I left half my crap up here I needed to work on it, I.E. my booklet to figure out placement for the hook. Well now that I am back and settled in, this weekend will be an armor working one. I just have to place the velcro on the front of the chest and that is it, and the only piece left is to get cushioning for the helmet so it sits right on my head, and remove so excess hot glue that seeped through the eye sockets and ear caps. Other wise I am good to go honestly, oh yes and the belt, though I need a hair dryer for that... Thank god for friends who are girls who have long hair!
  3. I think I am safe till after the Turkey, too much food intake makes one sleepy, and I bet Izzi is one to do that. Also an update, have not gotten a chance to work on it at all during the week, been busy getting homework done before the break and a few things with school decided to make themselves annoying and put the building on hold this week. Great news is next week is completely free due to break, thus plenty of time to work on it. Plus I actually will have a space bigger than a three by three closet to work on it in!
  4. Once it's all pieced together sure, just need to find the time, last night was infested with papers to write so no work on the armor got done. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow I will be able to apply velcro to the shins and thighs.
  5. Began applying the velcro over Halloween and thus got all my decals on my helmet finally, the tube stripes with the method I used actually came out to an extremely dark navy blue which is excellent. I will have to do a second run on them with the marker but they came out much better than originally anticipated. Velcro application is still going on, and hopefully most of it will be done tonight, then it is just adding in the padding in the helmet, and I should be set, unless other pieces of the armor need padding in other places as well, but that won't become apparent until I walk around in it.
  6. To true. Also at the moment I am thinking of separating the ab plate and the front cod piece, possibly for extra mobility and comfort in that area. Thoughts, and any good tips on how to do so?
  7. And here they are along with a quick shot of a tube vent I colored over to give it a darker look, it looks lighter due to the flash of the camera and probably the beige stock it is on. What do you think of the color though?
  8. Shins were done this weekend, pics to come shortly sometime this week.
  9. Very cool can't wait to see the pick updates, my boots just came in the mail today and they look awesome. Nicely done on the E-11 as well, I had a chance to buy one at a toys r us for conversion but didnt have the funds at the time, and now I do, and they are out, damn karma. D:
  10. Yeah they are a dark blue, but lighter than what I was thinking of when I read dark navy blue by far, and that is good to know about that one. Also, I am guessing the normal black ones are through the normal contacts we would use correct?
  11. Hmm that is what I figured on the stripes, any suggestions on how to best re-color the suckers? Just asked since it seems that your TX used a lighter blue then I thought would be acceptable Iz and it looks damn close to my stripes. In any case also I am doing this mostly inside, on campus right now for college so no other spot than to do it in the dorm room. In answer to your questions Sith'ari, I believe it is an am kit and the helmet is an FX, and yes it was a pain in the an impolite person to put together, that bucket took me and my friend at least twenty minutes to get the final top dome piece in.
  12. Another round for the update. Thighs and bis are mostly done, may have a few tiny pieces to trim to get things to look flush, nothing huge luckily. Helmet is almost done as well, just need to place the decals on really, which reminds me, can I use the stripes I have pictured next to my biceps, and do I need the other decals, I.E. the gray ones or should I leave them off? Just wondering what looks better really. Also should be working on the shins this weekend, just need bigger clamps and some more abs cement, a sheet of mind made friends with my current supply and well it didn't end well for the sheet. Also yes Izzi you begin to gloat and let your ego get bigger that is the forums on my laptop at the current time. As you can all see also my desk has become quite crowded with everything on it. ._.
  13. Got a quick question before I do this, we can use the normal vent stripes that come with the kits correct? For reference they are the blue stripes that come with all the kits correct?
  14. Did, and the thighs should be good, just need to put the velcro on the back next, I need more cement though, had a lovely accident with mine this evening where in it spilled more than half the its contents.
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