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wrendevu last won the day on May 13 2019

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About wrendevu

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    Bast Alpha

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    art, printmaking, cats

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  1. @Blackwatch wire fixture is a little vague to me. Is there any way to be more specific? Like if it's a hardware piece available at a hardware store can we reference it that way?
  2. Jumping back into this. Still trying to readjust to life after Chicago ? @Blackwatch the crl looks good and makes sense to me (a neophyte when it comes to this kind of stuff) It will be slow going due to funds but I hope to have this costume done soon
  3. Coveralls are taking a long time. I'm a novice when it comes to sewing so it's slow going. Not sure what is being asked. Are we still discussing the straps?
  4. Sorry I went MIA I recently had the surgery but I'm ready to get back to it. I believe the straps should be smooth but some clarification would be nice to be able to move forward. I do agree with all the other points Dewka made. ?
  5. I’ll try it on together next time I get the chance. I do want to move on to discussing the shoulder strap. I know it was said that we would be referencing the general veers crl. That crl calls for ribbed shoulder straps. But looking at the three reference pictures in the thread, I do not see any ribs on the shoulder straps. Thoughts? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. These are a pair of medium dark wood gloves I have. I was going to order a pair of black ones in a smaller size but posting this to show the basic shape. Any options on this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I haven’t done much to mine but here’s a picture of my boots (along with my cat) i have have my goggles also I will make a better post once I get better pictures
  8. Edit. I misunderstood what consisted the rangefinder. When I was referring to it, i meant the silver ring part but I do believe the greebie part is present.
  9. Also: In the Solo movie, the ground units Han is apart of before he defects wears similar helmets. I have not found evidence of any silver rings on top the rangefinders. And there is another crl in development shows a similar helmet that only has one reference for the silver ring on top the rangefinder.
  10. I think everyone can agree with the control proposed. I personally don't think the rangefinder has a silver ring on it like General Veers in RSB is there because there isn't any evidence to prove it is there. Some evidence to prove this: Thrawn in Rebels does not have it. Governor Price does not have it on her helmet. Tarken doesn't have it. Of course Rebels in highly stylized, but the rangefinder is a defining feature of the helmet. If the silver ring isn’t present in the art work, then it’s not there. It makes sense for them to no animate tiny details we look for such as clips and caps. The silver ring on the rangefinder is only present in cavalry officers. I propose that we don't need that part rangefinder.
  11. Sorry! I was referring to the verbiage of the antenna clip etc. Doing a bit of googling I found this: Would this be the Rangefinder main detail?
  12. Will the gun belt be an optional part (as seen in the third reference photo)?
  13. Not my helmet but I have acquired the chest piece.
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