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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by Norphos

  1. Thank you for the link, this is all I wanted to have in my hands to be sure, but I didn‘t have it until now. I can move on now - thank you so much!
  2. As you write: the upper strap and thigh box strap are not the same, but why they are the same in the CRL? When I can make "whatever dimension you like" and you don´t think "numbers are here to force anyone making it the exact dimensions" why are these numbers written in the CRL for basic approval? I want to be sure, that I don´t buy stuff and somebody will tell me: Oh, the stuff you bought is not the stuff you should have bought. One guy from my garrison told me about a similar problem, which reminds me of this here. It took him nearly 2 (!) months to get his costume approved because our Garrison didn´t want to approve it - in their eyes it didn´t meet the CRL - and the final decision was made in the US - lot´s of hussle and a big waste of time for him. Please let the officials decide what to do and - most important for me - are dimensions which don´t meet the 1.5 in o.k. for approval or not. A clear yes or no and we know what´s allowed and what not.
  3. Wanted to start with the strapping of the belt and the armor vest. Now I realized that all the strapping should be made with 1.5 in textile or leather straps. When you look at the pics how the webbing is done, you see that the different straps are different in size. Because you have to translate game pics into real life it´s hard to say what size the different straps really are. When to take a ruler and measure the straps in comparison to the officer belt and the size of the thermal detonator the bigger strap is around 1 1/2 in wide but the smaller one is just around 1 1/8 in - that´s just a rough estimation to show the difference. Sadly I cannot say something about the straps of the armor vest because I have no reference available. Comparing the Del Meeko CRL to other CRL´s where similar parts are used (scout trooper, shadow scout and this modified Gideon Hask CRL of the JRS) for basic approval no size for the straps is given at all. Only the shadow scout CRL says 1.5 in wide straps for attaching the drop boxes to the scout belt when you want to go for level 2 approval. In my opinion it would be very welcome - not only for me - to show more flexibility regarding the size of the straps for the webbing work. For basic approval it would be cool to skip the numbers and if someone wants to go for level two please keep in mind that the different straps are not same in size - which size I cannot say because my references are very limited at the moment. Thanks for your attention.
  4. I went through the CRL and it´s looking very good in my eyes. But there is one "little" thing that made me stumble... Dorothee please check this point and decide: "Belt For 501st approval: - Classic ROTJ imperial officer belt (with top and bottom groove)" I went through all or nearly all CRL´s where this belt is needed and I found only 2 or 3 CRL´s where this very specific version with the grooves is mentioned and it´s always level 3! Del Meeko would be the very first build this very specific double grooved ROTJ version is mandatory for basic approval. Because many people complaint about the new boots - which are really different from German jackboots and you see the difference on the very first view - the correct inferno squad boots are not mandatory anymore, the standard German jackboots are o.k. now. Here we are talking about a detail of a belt which is not that visible - with the chest rig and the second belt worn over this belt - and this should be mandatory now? Many people have a costume with this kind of officer belt and now they should buy a second belt for Del Meeko´s basic approval - a detail which is level 3 for other builds? Also a view into the Gideon Hask CRL - yes, I know it´s JRS and something different - says nothing about this double grooved ROTJ belt at all. I think it should be the same here as for other builds: basic approval with the non-grooved standard and easy to get officer belt and level 3 with the double grooved ROTJ belt. Thank you for your attention Dorothee and please decide. - Thomas -
  5. The "JRS Inferno Squad: CRL and Build Group" on facebook around Jason and others now clearly stated 2 belts: - one standard officer belt - (modified) shadow scout belt They confirm the two belt solution with some pics and 3D modeling. Although the one belt solution is easier to realize than I thought in the beginning - the two belt solution is easier to realize, you don´t have to "destroy" your officer belt with snap fasteners, holes or whatever to attach the one piece belt box part and it´s much more practicable... and it seems to be the correct one. Let´s see what will be next...
  6. Yes, I think it´s done now and many thanks for the great work and all the effort you put into it. And yes, I think with one or maybe two strong snap fasteners on both sides the belt box part should be sufficiently attached to the leather belt and it´s easy to open... sounds pretty good!
  7. Thanks for the reply, Maxime! O.k. from the back only the officer belt is visible. The question I ask myself now is - because we have to translate a video game character into the real world and it has to be workable for trooping and being in the costume for several hours - is it really practicable to attach the belt box part somehow to the officer belt or is it not more practicable to wear a second belt with the belt box part attached to it. What I wanna say here is, how would we do it in real life with the materials we have and in my opinion, a separate second belt is, what make sense. Don´t get me wrong: I´m trying to see it from a practicable point of view and attaching the belt box part to the leather belt - the way it´s shown on the pics - does not look very stable and workable for me. Like Jimmy said on facebook the belt is "magically floating /attached by pixels". Maxime, I totally agree with you, that nylon webbing should be standard but it would be really nice if we could get the leather webbing for a higher level - looks to cool... hope same in real life! Just my two cents... Thomas
  8. Good job, Maxime! most details should be no problem to change eg. one pouch instead of two, no indentation on the back armor... and surprisingly the MP-40 ammo pouch is not connected to the shoulder which would be real good news. But the belt and the boxes seem to be a problem: yes a normal ROTJ belt is clearly visible on the pics but what do you think, Maxime: are there two separate belts or is the one piece belt box part somehow attached to the ROTJ belt - for me it looks more like two separate belts but I might be wrong here. Do you have a shot from the back where you can see, if one or two belts are present? Leather webbing: this could look very cool - I like the idea! Thanks for the input - BR Thomas
  9. Hi Kevin, may I answer your question: I bought the pouches via Ebay and when you buy two (or more) you get 10 % off - shipping to the US incl. Here´s the link: https://www.ebay.com...872.m2749.l2649 Cheers!
  10. Hi Maxime, thanks for the reply! "wish I could be a better 3D designer ^^ !" - same here Was already searching for files for the boxes but couldn´t find any and now I see that there´s a complete armor available - I think, sometimes I´m really blind somehow... many thanks! I will print the boxes on my 3D printer at home when it´s working again - had a major breakdown this week and now I have the chance to rethink some parts and to modify them which will take some time ´til done. - but I´m optimistic. I will definitely follow your build and I´m very curious how you will solve the problem with the ammo pouches - yes, it has to be good enough to hold them in place and being comfortable. Cheers!
  11. Hi Maxime - looks very promising what you did so far and with the addons you´re waiting for, the approval for this build seems to be very near. I also decided to do the Del build, but I have to wait some more time for the first parts. If you don´t mind I would like to ask you as an experienced Del builder some questions: - how do you attach the MP40 pouch to the shoulder - you wrote that you designed and printed the shadow scout belt boxes - do you plan to make the files available for the community or can we purchase them? Thank you very much - BR
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