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Everything posted by Askara

  1. Hello all! I finally have most of the materials for this kit, so I'm creating this thread to get started. I'm still sanding the bucket and I'll be posting pics of it this weekend, but last night I had the time and decided to get started on the simplest part - the blaster. But first, reference pictures. I think I've gotten most of the relevant angles out of screen captures. I've created an album here. So, on to the blaster. 5mm sintra, I hid two 12x2mm N42 neodymium magnets just under the surface, so it will stick to the thigh armor. I'll finish sanding details and base coat it tonight. 20190619_232547 20190619_233130 I'll use a similar system for the armor pieces. I'm sewing reinforcements into the flight suit, and the armor will be held in place with magnets. I was able to get a really good deal in 15x5mm discs, and those are rather strong. I'll keep updating this thread with more pics as the work progresses!
  2. Greetings, all. I had started this build last year but life got in the way, then when I got back to it was told that Gar Saxon had been assigned to the SpecOps detachment. So here I am! I have made some progress, the helmet is mostly ready and I have the armor pattern laid out and ready to cut on the syntra. The jetpack is being printed this weekend and I'll finish it this week, and the soft parts should be ready in about two weeks. I'm only really missing the boots. I'll be posting pictures here as I make progress, I'm really looking forward to finishing this. I've gone with the Rebels version, everything is attached with magnets to get the "just magically there" look that the armor has. I've even managed to add magnets to his blaster so it just sticks to the thigh armor.
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