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501st Reserve[501st]
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Fuoco last won the day on October 8 2017

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About Fuoco

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  1. Sorry I haven't been posting on here as I have been doing my build. I am now finished and have submitted for approval, so now I wait. Here is a link to my submission pics. https://flic.kr/s/aHsmdFNbVN
  2. Hey folks!! I have been trying to get my hands on some DT T-Shirts. Anyone have any ideas were I can begin to look to buy a shirt or more?? Thanks tons, Jeff/Fuoco
  3. How did you join the shins and forearms together? I just got my kit today from Jim and I am trying to figure out what I can do.
  4. I added some new pics on my progress with my blasters. Here is the link, https://flic.kr/s/aHsm4hD43m
  5. I do not belong yet, I will check it out. Thanks
  6. Hey folks, anyone have an idea of how wide the white striping is on the rifle? I was considering using Pine wood derby car striping and I just want to make sure the width is correct. Jeff/ Fuoco
  7. Hey all, here are some pics of my DT blasters build. I am going to leave a link to a album that I will update here and there, and I will also update on this thread as well as I go along. https://flic.kr/s/aHsm4hD43m Jeff/fuoco
  8. Sweet!! Thanks for the helpful tips!!
  9. What kind of device would one use to play this? Jeff
  10. I want to give a huge thanks to Imrageth for the kick butt help with my weapons kits!!!! Top notch my friend I look forward to working with you more in the future. https://flic.kr/p/Zkpjuw LOVE IT!!!!
  11. Hey all, I have now started working on my build. I am currently assembling my weapons and I was wondering if anyone would have a suggestion to what kind of paint to use. My first thought was something I can hand paint with to get the nice carbon look on the barrel of the rifle as well as the scratches and some of the detail. And after that use some kind of seal to cover it all so that it doesn't come off. But I am open to any other ideas that may work better and more efficient. Thank you all!! Fuoco/Jeff
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