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Sgt Steve

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Everything posted by Sgt Steve

  1. That's pretty damn good. You going to add a "lite-sound" kit in it?
  2. Yes, use a snap system or velcro ect. What you have to do is get positive controll going, that's get the front or back of your boot to "clip" to the inside wall of the shin plates. Lot's of ways to do it.
  3. OK all, I now have my "TupperwareTK" armour, and am very happy with it! Soon I'll post my build pic's, (getting my work station cleaned up!) I have a few thing's to ask, 1) dose the belt/shoe leather have to be that glossy? The one's i have sure can polish up nice and shine nice but not that glossy. 2) Can the eFX lid be used? I sure hope so cuz that's why I got a few, one just to "display" but other's for mod'ing and trooping. I do think that's all. So stay tuned to this "H-N-E" station.
  4. Just got Emailed...my rig will be in the mail Monday!
  5. Very good review and very fair. I got 3 so I'm very happy with this lid. Yes most of what could be said in the end are little things. I for one will wear it for trooping, and will leave one without any mod'ing just for display. I have on order a set of black Tupperware armour and think both should go well together.
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