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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by TX4361

  1. I've begun buffing the helmet to even out the paint, and it's looking better. I plan to get a finer buffing compound a little later to ensure it looks perfect. The armor will be next on the building block!
  2. Well, as you have to troop in the boots you've got, not the ones you'd like, I've begun a Shadowtrooper (See: Blackhole Trooper) build with this old kit of mine. The test paint has gone fairly well, aside from my toddler disturbing dirt across it, so I think this build might as well kick off. More up later!
  3. Thank you very much! I will check the build threads and look into a full build.
  4. Greetings, all! I recently was given a (mostly) complete unassembled set of TK armor, that appears to be an old FX kit. While I know it's not acceptable for the Legion under the Stormtrooper Detachment, I'm wondering if the Spec Ops CRL has changed. I had an FX Shadow Stormtrooper (Blackhole Trooper) in the early 2000's (yes, I'm old, leave me alone), and it passed muster then. Is it still good, or do I have a bunch of garbage in a box? Thank you for your time!
  5. Pad the thighs with one-side adhesive door-sill foam in the thickest you can get it (1 inch?) I did that for my TX after I trimmed the thighs down till they rested nearer to my legs. This prevented them from flopping around or moving (at all) when I walked. Plus they were fairly comfortable! I did this for all of my armor parts, It locked everything down nicely and kept the "pinching" to a minimum! Hope it helps. . .
  6. Due to a problem that has occurred with one of the Members of Forge Props, This project has been put on hold indefinitely. ===Mods kindly lock this thread===
  7. Well, to those interested, it will cost us approximately $700 to build the molds and everything for this kit. So, If we had 7 people interested, it'd be $100 each, and so on. That's seed capitol only. When the molds are finished, then the remaining amount to those who provided the seed money would get the kit for a fraction of the final cost. We can't make any determinations until we get a real picture on interest though. . . So speak up! ;D
  8. We're currently trying to estimate the cost to build the molds. As we're building it from scratch, it may be a bit pricey to build. We'll begin brain-storming, and get back with those interested in the initial run with the cost of the first production run.
  9. Greetings! Forge Props has recently begun looking at the possibility of making a set of Dark Trooper armor available for purchase. This is an interest thread! If there is enough interest, we will look for seed capital for the scratch-building! Do you know anyone else who might be interested? PROJECT PLACED ON HOLD INDEFINITELY
  10. I'd recommended you not use the "Power Wheel" battery. Did you check a custom battery store like Batteries Plus? They can make a battery with all the properties you need! They made my friend's Airsoft Gun Battery, and it's awesome!.
  11. Working on a TX helmet. . .

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