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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Endor7

  1. I would be interested in trading for one of your Spanish spec ops patches if you still have some available! 

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    2. Endor7


      I recieved your email,  but unfortunately I don't know Spanish.  Can you email me again please 

    3. Endor7


      Thank you for replying with another email. I replied to your email and sent photo of two patches I have to offer. Look for a email from jsiegle@sbcglobal.net 

    4. Endor7


      I recieved your package today...thanks again for trading! Love the patches and stickers! Hopefully we can trade again soon,  until next time stay safe and healthy brother!!!

  2. Congratulate, and welcome to the 501st, Jeff Siegle- TX76161 in his R1 Death Trooper!
  3. Congratulate, and welcome to the 501st, Jeff Siegle- TX76161 in his R1 Death Trooper!
  4. I am reaching out to anyone who got their deathtrooper armor from KB Props! I need to know what you think of the armor and the difficulty of the build??
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