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jc1327 last won the day on April 4 2019

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  1. Yes, I have an FDM and a resin printer, but they are both tied up trying to get my full size R2 done.
  2. The collar is split between the back and chest piece. I had a feeling that this would need to be changed. Who else makes CRL compliant chest and back armor? The shins and forearms are done (although I don't know if my left forearm will pass since the 2 straps at the bottom don't go all the way around). If I can use some of my current kit with something that is more up to date with the CRL that would be a good option, I really don't want to have to get a whole new set of armor. I should have just saved my money and bought a better quality kit. I know better, I took my time and bought top quality stuff for my fett. About the collar, it is a single piece attached to the back plate correct? How does it connect to the chest piece, glue it down or use magnets? I tried on my chest piece and the opening for my head is pretty small, the update from 850 has an insert you put on after the chest and back are on.
  3. Here is a pic of my back armor. Its the v1 so the collar is integrated.
  4. Its a 3d printed one. I believe I got the files from Sean Fields. Mine as it sits doesn't have any room for electronics, but since its a 3d file, it can be modified to fit them.
  5. Here is the replacement parts that 850AW has to meet the new CRL. My kit is 3 years old, so I don't think it's possible to get the back plate up to the reference. https://850armorworks.com/DeathTrooper-Chest-Back-Complete-Set-p375958188 Honestly, I'm not a big fan of the 850AW kit. The pulls aren't the best, and I had to replace several parts when I first got the kit. I would like to build a DT costume, but I am also thinking of just scrapping the kit and moving on to something else. Who makes a good not too expensive kit other than 850AW?
  6. I started the suit up again, and now I have some more questions. Since the CRL has been updated in the last year or so, my 850AW armor doesn't meet the requirements. I contacted 850AW about the new chest and back armor, and they sent me some pics. They now have what looks like resin piece that gets attached to the back armor that meets the new CRL. Has anyone built a new 850 kit with the new chest/back armor? Also, any ideas of what to use for the thighs, the rubber mat that came with my armor is junk now. I don't really want to spend too much more on this armor (the new back, chest, and collar are $190 plus shipping), but to meet the CRL I will have to. I am almost temped to scrap the 850 armor and go with something else. At least the sidearm, helmet, and e-11D are done.
  7. This helps a lot. I know I will need to widen the collar opening on the chest piece since I am on the bigger side. I will be ordering my undersuit from Jim T since I like how his shirt has a lot of mesh in the chest area and I also like the idea of a drawstring waist. Boots and gloves I will probably get from IB. My helmet is done, but it could have come out better, I rushed the sanding and filling and the clear coat was a pain in the rear.
  8. I finally started trimming my 850 kit and I have a few questions. How does your collar look when the chest and back are together? I had to trip quite a bit out of the neck area of both pieces so it wouldn't dig into the sides of my neck. Also, how does the collar piece look with the chest and back together, which piece overlaps the other? Big Pete's videos kind of gloss over this part.
  9. Thanks, now I just need to finish the helmet. Then I will get the soft parts, then start trimming the armor I've had sitting in a box for almost a year.
  10. Here is a pic of the finished E-11D. It's not perfect, but I think its good enough. Using eye shadow for the barrel was a pain in the rear.
  11. Thanks, once the weather warms up I can get the weapons finished and start on the helmet. Once the helmet is done, I was planning on ordering soft parts. I am trying to decide between Jim T and Dark Side Closet.
  12. Here is the E-11D. I need to add the decals, paint the barrel, and hide the flashlight wire. but overall I am happy with it.
  13. It has been very slow going, but I am making progress. I 3d printed an SE-14R from files posted in the DT builders Facebook group as well as Sean Fields E-11D.
  14. After trying on the Armory Shop helmet, I decided to 3d print the DT helmet from Tom Campbell's file. The helmet is printed,but needs a lot of work before I can start painting. I also 3d printed Sen Field's E-11D rifle, and it is ready for final paint, the problem is I a not sure there the white pinstriping and red sections go on it. I checked the CRL and it doesn't show all side of the rifle, so if anyone has a layout or pics of the paint detail, I would love to see them.
  15. How did you slice the model? I asked Tom to try to cut it up for me but I haven't heard back from him about it yet.
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