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    Boca Raton, FL
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    Star Wars. Music. Video Games.

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  1. What I meant was, do shadow scouts have certain weapons they use? E-11, DLT 19? I've seen in the CRL that there are the blaster, concept carbine, and rocket launcher. I've also saw in the specialist thread that the E-11 was a listed weapon. I do understand that weapons are not requirements for membership.
  2. SC Kit: Check KS Bucket: Check Cummerbund: Check Gloves: Check Balaclava: Check Flight Suit: Check Boots: Still working on Scout Blaster: Check All items have been purchased and will be in my possession within the month! The waiting shall begin... On a side note, as an optional weapon, would the E-11 suffice?
  3. I am currently awaiting a reply from MC, I've PM them over at BikerScout. As soon as I get the reply, I will compare prices and make a final decision. I've read in another's post about where to find gloves (Sitharmour), and I will purchasing from him. As for the pouches, boots, and cummerbund, I haven't figured out where to find those, I've seen the tutorial for boots, which I may attempt myself, but I'm also looking around to see if anyone else sells them made. Also, for weapons, I also don't know where to purchase these as well, I was mainly looking for the scout pistol, and a dlt 19 if that is acceptable. Just a current update to not seem I've disappeared.
  4. So far, you are the only one who has PM me with info. I've taken a look at the SC armor, and it's at a pretty reasonable price. I've also have heard of MC armor, and MLC armor, I would love more info on these two because I've heard good things about them.
  5. Hey everyone, I plan on being a future shadow scout, and I come here to gather some wisdom and advice from you all, as I don't really know how to start.
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