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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by AmmTian

  1. Hi Guys I have a question about the boots. What is the best way to go by coloring boots? I live in denmark, and everytime i order something outside the EU, i wil have to pay taxes and handling fees when items arrives. This is usually around 60 USD, added to the origianally price. So i want to see if i can make that a bit cheaper by coloring the boots myself. How do i do that? Sanding the surface and paint with spraypaint or leather paint? Thanks
  2. Had 30 min to spare yesterday, so I wanted to sand down where I pasted to holes. Some holes needs a bit more paste. 😀 Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  3. On my TK the paste was a lot thicker, so I tried the thinner version. It was a lot easier to work with, but I need a proper tool to scoop up and aply it. When I comes to fill the helmet lines, I think this thickness is fine, but it's to thick for small holes. This is the lowest I could get the tank. Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  4. I've started a WIP/restoration tread about my armor. Do you by any chance know, if the knees could be approved? I know it's an old cast, but as per CRL pictures they are exactly the same. 😀 I'm working on getting some of the missing parts from SC. (Belt 5 boxes, shoulders, visor, thermal detonator kit and greeblies) Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  5. Got some work done last night. Pasted up the holes in knees, chest and back piece. The last picture is of the knees after the paste hardened for about 1 hour. Just need some sanding and bit more paste. 🙂 For the back + tank, it couldn't right with only the rivet on buttom, so I did this. 😀 Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  6. Thanks 762. 😀 Thanks Raider, but if it won't support after a little trimming, I think I'll do one of the two solutions 😉 Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  7. Here's some after pictures. Luckily it's covered by the belt. 😉 Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  8. Thank you for your ideas. 😉 I'll think about how I will do this. Is there a correct place to rivet it on top? I don't have any greeblies yet, so it rather not place it wrong. As for the paste, I did this to my butt/kidney plate on my TK Commander. It had to be a one piece, not two. I removed some of the return edge on both pieces, and glued in some extra small cover strips. Then I put in some paste, and let I cure for 24 - 48 hours before trim and sand it. On picture 2, I found out that I've made the paste to thick, so it wouldn't be a even layer and had a lot of bubbles. But since a Commander is dirty, I could hide the "bad place" with weathering. 😠Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  9. Forgot to answer about the filler. 😂 I'm making some ABS paste, but right now I'm working on the correct thickness of the paste. This will also be used for the helmet. Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  10. My thoughts was also to trim it a bit, but wasn't sure if the tank needed a replacement. 😀 How did you get the tank on there? 1 rivet at the bottom, and glueing the rest, Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  11. Question about the tank. Do I use my dremel to align it with the back plate? Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  12. Got some work done today. Same thing as last time. 😀 Drill out the rivets, a piece of abs on the inside. Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  13. Thanks guys. I will post before - meanwhile - after photos. 😀 Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  14. Thanks a lot. I think this will test my skills. Have only made one Armor, and that's a TK Commander who got approved July 31st. 😀 I think this build will be a challenge, but also a lot of fun. 😉 Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  15. Here's some pics from when I got it home. (There's really a ton of work, but I'm confident that I can do it) 😠Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  16. As some of you knows, I've bought some armor parts second hands. I knew that there's a ton of work to get it 501'st approved. There's missing some parts, but those can be replaced by SC. The parts are: Shoulders Visor for helmet Belt 5 boxes Thermal Detonator kit Greeblies For helmet I also need a silver mirrored lens. And also need to by/make all of the soft parts. For now I have only worked one hour, where I sanded down some holes and glueing some plates on the inside, so it's ready for some paste. Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  17. Looks awesome. 😀 As per CRL, the blasters for TX scout are: Ec-17 E-11 Dlt-19. I'm thinking about doing my own dlt-19. There's a diy on YouTube on how to. 😀 Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  18. Is this sole approveable, or should I use a dremel to make them as close to the original biker boots? 😀 Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  19. Great. I'll keep that in mind. 😀 Is it a hard job on the cummerbund and pouches if I haven't used a sewing machine in over 20 years? 😂 Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  20. Here's some suits i have looked at. 😀 The one in tan, is just for visual purpose. It's also in black. Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  21. So the knees I have, is the old ones used in the CRL? 😀 As far as fabrics goes, it can be different shades if black, as long as they are black? What about the flight suit. Can it be any military flight suit, as long as I remove pockets and zippers per CRL? 😀 And thank you again for your help. 😉 Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  22. And about the knee parts. I took a new pic if mine and made a side by side with the CRL one, and I can't see the difference beside the holes. 😂 Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  23. Great. I'll play-doh the poop out of it. 😠Regarding the missing parts, I'll have to order from SC the - shoulder, thermal detonator kit and resin greeblies. Damaged parts that I need to order is - visor, belt 5 boxes. When I begin the build, I'll make a WIP. 😀 are there any "special black" for the soft parts? Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  24. Thank you for your answer. I have 1 upper arm armor, and I will get the second and tank by the weekend. I have some white paste from my TK Commander build, so I was thinking of using that since it will be painted. Just to see if I understand it correctly. Should I use some paste to even out the line on top of helmet and the line on the back? What material would you recommend for the tank and arm greblies? 3d printed or resin? Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
  25. Hi guys. Need some help about some hard parts. Bought this studio creations from a guy here in Denmark. I know that there's a lot of work for me, but I'm not sure what to do and where to begin. I know this, that the weird "picatini rails" and weird box on back needs to go. Do I need a new visor for the helmet? Can I fill the holes in the parts with abs paste? What about the color? Should I spray paint it gloss or matte? Thanks in advance TK 84013 Sendt fra min SM-G930F med Tapatalk
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