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Everything posted by DruidicRifleman

  1. I am Guessing Around 26 inches long and 2 or 3 inch ish dia i suck at figuring out measurements
  2. It looks about 2 feet long 2 inches In diameter With a wider front section Any one have a suggestion for the Ridges in the rear?
  3. Nods 3 photo's... My concern is though there is reference They're is very little...
  4. Is it cannon though? i am talking the Cannon approved one for scouts?
  5. Same as rebels with e-11's... they're ragtag for one Of course they'd use imperial weapons if they had them
  6. I prefur small Pneumatic rockets that trigger ONLY at highway speeds... they don't set of Explosives detection sensors Though.... technically... if a TX's mission needed him to use a rebel blaster... To reduce detection risks... he would. if he needed to use a bow caster he would... If he was caught by someone non special forces who criticized him for carrying Non imperial issue weapons... He'd simply accuse him of being a rebel spy and execute the pest on sight. and still his weapon might be damaged and would have to take a weapon from a dead enemy... They're would be allot of dead rebels with guns and taking a rebels blaster... would be done to accomplish the mission...
  7. I like the rifle In the second immage
  8. Looks like it would be simply additional armour issued for situations where It's warrented where the lesser armour of the shadow scout armour would be a liability...
  9. Is the Dl19 referred to as collapsible? Cept for replicas that do so for storage.
  10. Also Given the kind of operations It's technically feasible that TX units would be trained with a wide variety of weaponry given the kinds of roles special operations units On a single planet take on A galactic special force's would encounter a huge array of weaponry And a wide variety of missions. it's also forseable that A shadow trooper would Be given at minimum a How not to crash a speeder bike and die course And A familiarization class with Say Seatrooper gear one would see Basics of all units with in the Special ops taught to all levels where Individuals in Shadow scout troop would specialize in scout tactics and equipment. Sea troopers specializeing in they're kit and tactics.
  11. Wraith you live in a state where you can physically go for a walk and visit 3 class three machine gun dealers on foot!!! How do i know i did it on a vacation in 2008.
  12. Plus I'd feel lame trooping with just a pistol... and people wonder how the empire lost endor
  13. Any one have any information on this? all i've found is something like this.
  14. have you heard of http://www.armourarchive.org/ they might have some /helpinfo On Undenting the boob protectors
  15. ac jay Got a photo of the set up you used for this? you could Probably Use a trailer ball Ground to the correct Curvature to Smooth it out more Looks good
  16. Out of curiosity What happens if there we're a star was Special force's trooper fan film? Would the Prop/costume be considered Cannon or only official Lucas arts licensed projects?
  17. Isn't much of a Fan of the Pant stile in the OP... How ever A uniform With pants like the marines and the tie pilot would be an epic Costume. Storm commandos need Something Sharp looking to ware when they get Shore leave to impress any Twi'leks or for they get to return home. Whats the definition of a SW artist?
  18. lol... 14 gauge is worse.... I am afraid to even try it... Mando chicks... SOMEONE is lucky
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