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501st SpecOps[TX]
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pyro last won the day on May 18 2023

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About pyro

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  • Location
    West Texas

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  1. I was curious as to how many approved Imperial Security Troopers there are currently. This list could help newcomers reach out and ask questions about the costume. I am totally open to helping newcomers with it. 1. Pyro-WTX Squad 2. Wompet - Nickel City Squad
  2. And approved! TX -6353 reporting for duty!!
  3. That was my plan. Going to submit the un armored version 1st tho.
  4. Went ahead and ordered my boots from Crow Props. I can’t wait to get this done!
  5. Would regular jackboots work for this or do they have to have the tread on the soles and the adjustment strap?
  6. Uniform has been ordered from Jim Tripon, just need the painted belt boxes and the boots
  7. His price is good, will now quality when my Officer uniform gets here. I have a slightly big foot at 10.5
  8. I’ve decided to just do the un armored version right now then upgrade to the armor and re apply when that’s done. I do plan on getting my softgoods made by Jim Tripon. So far I have my belt and the code disk for the hat. My biggest concern is the boots. I have been struggling to find some that match the CRL.
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