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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Starkill20

  1. So the first thing I decided to tackle was the hand plate. Based on the art of the figure from Bioware, I developed a 3D model of the hand plate. Already having some second guesses about it but I think its a good start! My first thought is that I might need to adjust the ridge that aligns with the index finger. Maybe a quarter inch to the bottom? And do you all think the ridges should line up? It seems in the photo they adjust in size based on their position. Its currently printing on my Ender 3 right now and I'll post pictures when its done. Please share any opinons!
  2. Hey all! I've started this thread to document the build process of the Imperial Soldier from SWTOR. I managed to obtain the model of the character from the game, but of course it has a few discrepancies from the cinematic model that I will attempt to recreate. However it serves as a good base work to model the pieces! I am using Autodesk Fusion 360 to model the armor, and then Cura to slice and print the armor. This is my first time really learning how to model in 3D so please bear with me. (I'll gladly take any tips, suggestions, or links to decent online tutorials!) Plan is to get the 3D prints developed and perfected, create molds from these, and then produce ABS armor with a vacuum former. Hope to get some decent feedback from you all in this thread!
  3. Hey all, Starting to look into doing an Imperial Trooper from SWTOR. Mainly I am trying to recreate the ones seen in the cinematics and not the actual game ones. I like the look of the cinematics ones a lot more! Weirdly enough based on what I could find, the cinematic Imperial Troopers use a variant of the Republic Command Carbine as seen in the game. Note the below pictures Currently working on 3D modeling of the blaster and will post updates here! I will include all reference photos I have gathered so far.
  4. Hey @Darth Betus I just wanted to see if you were still looking into this costume as well? I've recently been inspired to attempt this, and wanted to see if you had any progression on your end? I'd be happy to discuss our findings!
  5. Hey all! Based on the latest rerelease of the SWTOR cinematics (in glorious 4k resolution!), I've decided to reopen interest in the Imperial Soldier. Here are some screenshots I grabbed from the "Deceived" and "Return" trailers. Will update this post after the "Hope" 4k drops.
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