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Everything posted by StealthScout1

  1. My Bucket This is the inside of the face plate with the mic set up and it works great.
  2. Ok so the EC--17 is fine just the DC-15 is not, E-11 I've got just have to finish it so it's got full capabilities of led's and sound and outter parts. Thank you btw
  3. Ok so the EC--17 is fine just the DC-15 is not, E-11 I've got just have to finish it so it's got full capabilities of led's and sound and outter parts. Thank you btw
  4. I made a post on this and you might like to see the bucket i have that is weathered,
  5. Hello all: So far I have a helmet and also a few parts that are coming in. Here is a pic of my bucket with 2 of my blasters but I'm not sure if the DC-15 rifle is ok for a shadow scout and planning on getting a new scout pistol since this 1 was bought years ago. I'd think for a good start the helmet is the most of the good items to have. Any suggestions about blasters besides an E-11 and the correct pistol blaster?
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