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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Commandermoonmoon last won the day on May 8 2021

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    Salt Lake City, UT

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  1. I've got some layered ABS just that just needs to be ground to dimensions but I'm eyeing my scrap MDF now as well! Thanks for the idea!
  2. I have Radu kits for the armor and helmet and it's amazing stuff. I've heard WTF is also great quality.
  3. Just got all my parts in and I'm getting started back up on this! Thanks for the tips everybody! :)
  4. ah yes, my wording there was pretty awful haha but yeah thats the part I was referring to. I have some scrap ABS lying around I was going to just layer it up and the round over the edges. but it's good to have a solid measurement for that part.
  5. The rest of Del Meeko seems to be very straightforward, but the vest seems to be what's hanging up a lot of builders. Assuming that to date nobody has just straight up made a ready to go tac vest I figured I'd post up what mods I'll be doing to my Flyye Tac vest I acquired. So assuming you have a Flyye law enforcement vest (or something very similar) The modifications I've seen that need to be made (according to in game images)(please correct as needed): Buckles: Main buckle is replaced with a tri-glide. Straps: Straps from the tri-glide to the about the top of the wearers shoulders will need to have a cover made. Cover seems to be (from game references) a layered box pleat (3 layers in total) Buckle Greeblie is attached on top of the strap, right above the tri-glide. Straps are attached over the front of the vest instead of behind. attachment point is moved approx. 2-2.5" outward from the original attachment point. Pouches: Main pouches have an ABS plate (or strip approx. 0.75" tall) inside, attached to some webbing or canvas. An additional Pouch is added on the wearers right side This pouch sits higher than the others, and is runs under the molle webbing on that side (molle webbing is cut to accomodate this) This pouch is shorter than the others which leads me to believe this is a 20rd AR-15 mag pouch, or general utility pouch. Don't know if this will pass the muster, but at the very least I'm hoping that with some feedback I can start the mods off on the right foot so I don't butcher a vest unnecessarily! My vest is in hand and ready to start, just need to gather some materials for the covers and I can get started! Thank you all in advance for the feedback! EDIT: For reference of where I'm pulling my list from:
  6. Don't know if yours is a Radu Kit, but if you join this FB group here, he has a finished view of all his parts: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2457673977640390&set=pcb.570780466758349&type=3&theater&ifg=1
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